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[ chapter 4 ]

september 2
2:45 p.m
boca raton, florida



"Alright future musicians, first 'month' of school is over and it's time to get into the big guns. Most of you are adults or about to be, so - and I know you won't like it - we got a project." The class groans in distaste.

Mrs. Miller chuckles and waves us down in gesture to be quiet. "I know, I know. But this one's fun! You and one other partner will be creating a song of your own, and then performing it in front of the class! Now, this could be an instrumental, or a song where you actually sing. As long as it's original, it's good." She smiles.

I look at Zayn and Billie with a frown, knowing that one of us wouldn't be able to pair with another in our group. The rest of the class seemed to be pretty satisfied with this "project", though.

"However, I'll be assigning the partners to avoid anyone being left out." And there's another set of annoyed grunts, groans, and many more complaints.

"Shut up, here's the pairs. "

She goes on and I ignore her, ready to pay attention when familiar names are called out.

"Zayn Malik and Gigi Hadid."

"Billie Eilish and Brandon Adams."

A few more names are called, and then it seems mine is last.

"Y/n Y/l/n and Ariana Butera."

My heart drops to my ass and my stomach fills with a bad kind of butterflies. I sigh and look down at my feet. I feel Billie discreetly place her hand on my back in a comforting kind of way. I allow it to stay there, trying to calm my rapidly increasing anxiety. Both her and Zayn know about what happened in my past, what happened with Mac, and Ariana's involvement in it. They're one of the very, very few people who know.

"Alright, that's all. If you have any questions, don't be afraid to come up here and ask. Get with your partners and get to work. You have a week of class time and if you'd like; time outside of school." And that was it. It was time to face the girl I'd been trying to avoid since our last altercation.

Rustling was heard all around me but I seemed to zone out. I wasn't quite ready to talk to her yet. At all. But at the end of the day, I don't have a choice. I'm not gonna let her or what happened in the past cause me to fail this class. It's the only one I know for sure I have a guaranteed A in other than P.E.

"Y/n?" She was hesitant. I respected that. At least she was respectful of my decisions so far. It made me feel worse than I already have been. I sighed deeply again and looked up to meet her chocolate swirls. She gave me a very faint tight lipped smile. I returned it.

"You can sit." My tone wasn't mean, more like emotionless. Nonetheless, she did so, replacing Billie as she sat in her seat.

"So, do you want to do a lyrical song or? Because I don't know how to play shit." I couldn't help but chuckle a little. When I looked back at her I could see her eyes light up. I watched her tug back a smile.

"We can do that. I have a mini studio-like thing back home, we can do it there?" I ask, and she nods. After that, silence. We both didn't know what to say. Lost in thought, I didn't even realize that class was almost over. And we didn't do anything but sit in silence; practically ignoring each other's presence.

How awkward.

"I hope you all figured out what you want to do. You may pack up, and be dismissed by the bell." The class erupts into louder conversations. I stand up and sigh. She hadn't moved, but she was staring at me now.

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