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(not proofread)
[ chapter 26 ]

may 24
1:30 p.m
boca raton, florida

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School ended early, which means I've officially graduated high school. Graduation was fun, Zayn, Billie, Camila and I fucked around a lot so that was dope.

Now, I'm at Zayn's with the same group of us, helping him pack.

"I swear, Z, if you don't keep in-contact-" Billie playfully threatens. closing up one of the suitcases. The laughs were real but we all knew that we weren't joking at the same time.

"I will, I will. I swear. I don't even wanna go." He sighed, folding his underwear and throwing it in his suitcase.

"I thought your parents didn't have the money for this kind of move." I commented, simply speaking my thoughts out loud. Zayn glanced at me and shrugged, turning back to his dresser.

"They said they didn't. I guess, all along they were building it. Ever since around a year or two ago. They kept it from me because they knew I wouldn't wanna go. They didn't want to argue." He explained, frowning. I couldn't help but match his expression.

Camila, who had been fairly quiet while helping all of us pack for Zayn, then added into the conversation.

"Why did they decide to move back now?" She asked curiously.

"My father got a letter from his old work, telling him they had one of the highest spots reserved for him if he came back. Of course, he accepted it." We all nodded, continuing to pack in silence.

Yes, Zain Javadd Malik was going back to England. In specific, back to Bradford, New Yorkshire, England. It hurt. My heart is hurting. First Ariana, and now Zayn? I felt like I was slowly losing everybody. My grasps were being cut loose.

It'd only been four days since Ariana went away. The lack of communication was making the strings in my heart snap. It felt like it was pulling my body. I felt like she took a large piece of my heart with her.

because she did.

"You okay?" Camila whispered, nudging my shoulder lightly.

I shook my head, pulling myself out of my deep thought with a nod. "Yeah, I'm alright. Just.. thinking." I breathed out, zipping up the suitcase I was using to pack.

Now there was only Camila and Zayn left to finish packing. I sat beside Billie, who's head was bowed in her hands as she sat on the edge of the bed; facing away from everyone.

"Hey, Bil." I made my presence known, sitting next to her. She looked up, those dreamy ocean eyes clouded and glossy. She did her best, but all she could give me was a tight, slightly sad smile.

"Hey Y/nn." She whispered.

"We'll be okay," I wrapped my arm around her shoulders, pulling her closer to me. She leaned her head on my own shoulder and sighed.

"I hope so."


"I'll call the second I'm off the plane." Zayn smiled tightly as he pulled away from our hug. I nodded and smiled sadly.

"You never know, maybe we'll be able to come visit." I shrugged, turning to Billie and Camila, along with their families.

The British boy chuckled but nodded. "Maybe."

His flight was called and we all shared one last goodbyes. I gave a big hug to his sisters and mom, and then to Yaser.

"Take care of yourself, Y/nn. I won't be around to save you from death anymore." He patted my back with a small toothless grin. I was holding back tears at this point. I'm really gonna miss them.

"I will, papa." I bit my bottom lip lightly to contain the cries itching to come out.

"Goodbye, Y/n." He smiled and then walked away. I smiled at Zayn, who gave me a grin. A sad grin, but a grin. His eyes were watering over and I knew if he started crying, I would too.

"I'll see you around, Y/n." We did our secret handshake one last time.

"I'll see you around, Z." He walked away, not looking back as I waved to his sisters for the last time. They disappeared in the crowd of people, Billie immediately collapsing into my arms.

Her sobs tore me apart, and I felt my own tears fall.

"Let's go home, Bil."

~~~ may 31 ~~~

"Y/nn, would you take dancing with me?" Billie asked me randomly as we were halfway through a movie. I turned to her with a slightly shocked expression but shrugged anyways.

"Like, a summer one?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. She nodded, a hopeful glint in her eye.

"I mean, I'm down." I shrugged, smiling lightly. Her blue eyes became electric as she jumped, pouncing on me and wrapping me into a tight hug.

"I love you, Y/n. I know I don't say it much, but I do." She smiled, backing away so I could sit up. Which I did while laughing lightly.

"I love you too, Bil."


damn, zayn too ?! all the next chapters will be fairly short, which is why im releasing them all at once . like i said before . anyways , much love, A

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