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(WARNING: smut, but i'll give you another warning before and after it because the ending is slightly important to next chapter)
[ chapter 18 ]

march 1
boca raton, florida

ariana's pov:

Huffing, I stuff my hands into my girlfriend's hoodie pockets and shuffled my feet. Y/n hadn't come to school today because she'd been feeling sick, but to 'make up for it' she promised to pick me up after.

It was almost 4 and she still wasn't here yet.

relax ariana, it's only been 5 minutes after the bell.

Shut the fuck up.

As I was scrolling through Instagram, I heard a car pull in front of me. My heart beat sped up and my stomach fluttered just at the thought of seeing my girlfriend again.

However.. my heart was crushed and my stomach dropped when I saw my ex there instead. A scowl made it's way to my face unexpectedly, while a smirk grew more and more on his.

"Miss me?" He asked cockily. I chuckled and rolled my eyes.

"I'd rather die." I retorted simply. I internally was screaming, basically begging God to make Y/n show up.

"Oh c'mon Ari, don't be like that," I winced subconsciously at the nickname I did not want him to address me with. Not anymore.

"Don't you miss dick- or should I say real dick?" He asked, still smirking disgustingly. It's crazy how someone can go from having all your affection to holding so much disgust.

was i really this blind?

I bit my tongue, wanting to tell him all about how she has a 'real' dick and it's so much better than his. But I couldn't do that to her. If she wanted that fact about herself lowkey, that's how it'll stay.

Even though, it's absolutely nothing to be ashamed about.

"Pete, could you kindly please fuck off." I spoke, not wanting him to know how much his presence was actually affecting me.

and not in a good way.

He just laughs and waves it off - as if I was joking.

y/n, honest to God I will fuck you up if you're not here in approximately 3 fucking sec-

"Bae!" I heard a little ways away. I whipped my head to the side at the familiar voice, Y/n's adorable confused face staring at me from afar.

I then looked back at Pete, who seemed to look away from Y/n as well to do the same.

"Please don't ever talk to me again, Pete." I began walking away right after that. I didn't fail to hear his chilling words as I walked away, though.

"Oh, you'll both be seeing me soon, Ariana. Believe that."


"Who was that, Ari?" Y/n asked again as we walked into my bedroom. I sighed, slipping off my backpack, shoes, socks, and hoodie (that isn't technically 'mine'). I knew what her reaction was gonna be, so I was just 'prepping' before it.

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