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(not proofread)
[ chapter 19 ]

april 2
3:15 p.m
boca raton, florida

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Curious stares were shot across the classroom, back and forth from Ariana and I. We were in music class, which is our last period of the day; and the assignment was to compose a solo song of your own. We would perform it on Monday.

I wanted to know what she was writing, and she wanted to know the same for me. Was it about each other? Mine sure was. It was a love song with a twist, and to say I was excited for her to hear it would be an understatement.

I dropped the 'L' "bomb" a month ago, I had a feeling she heard it but I'm not sure. She had passed out pretty quick after.. yeah.

Anyways, neither of us spoke on it. Honestly, I was disappointed but also kind of grateful. That wasn't the way I wanted to admit to her my true feelings, it kind of just came out in the moment. That doesn't mean I didn't mean it, just that I was trying to "keep it cool".

And this song kind of expresses that.

As the clock winded down, the looks came less. Obviously, that's because we wanted to get as much down now as we could. We had the weekend, but nobody wants to do "schoolwork" on the weekend.

Once the bell rang, Mrs. Miller dismissed us and I was already walking out with my girlfriend and my best friends beside me.

that's that shit.

"Yo, y'all got plans for the weekend?" Zayn spoke up as we walked down the corridor. I shook my head, as did everyone else.

Everyone but Ariana.

That's when all our eyes shifted to the brunette, who looked away sheepishly.

"You got plans, Grande?" I nudged her shoulder teasingly. She brushed me off with a playful roll of her eyes.

"Possibly. My parents said they have something 'important' to talk to me about. Seemed pretty serious, though." She explained briefly. I could tell there was more to that, but decided not to push it.

I didn't fail to get concerned, though.

"Oh shit, is everything okay?" I asked before Billie or Zayn could. She immediately nodded, a little too enthusiastically but I just decided to brush it off. Maybe she didn't wanna speak about it in front of everyone else.

"Yeah! Yeah, everything's fine. I honestly don't know why I need to cancel any plans for it, but that's what she said." She frowned, staring up at us as we were all at least a little taller than her.

This woman is short as fuck.

"What day?" Billie then asked as we finally left the school building and headed straight for my car. Am I considered the chaperone? Probably.

"Tonight and then all day tomorrow. I know we have school the next day but maybe we can come up with something Sunday?" Ari suggested, still slightly frowning but seeming hopeful.

I nodded, looking at the rest.

"I'm down." Zayn shrugged, as Billie then nodded along.

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