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(not proofread, honestly i never do 😭)
[ chapter 13 ]

october 29
6:00 p.m
boca raton, florida

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"Why the fuck did you invite him?" I glared at Billie, staring down at her as she looked guilty.

"I-I-" I sighed, effectively cutting her off. I grabbed her arm and pulled her out of the room, yelling that we'll be back.

"Billie I would've been fine with him coming if you asked!" I whisper-yelled at her the second we rounded the corner, barely a few feet away from the room. The entire studio was soundproof from inside and out.

"I know, I know - I'm sorry! I just-I know you and Z don't like him. So, I assumed you would say no and I just wanted to see him. He never comes to see me. I have to like-fucking beg him and this was the only time he's agreed in fucking weeks! I-" I cut her off before she continued to ramble.

"He's not good for you, Bil. He's a fucking senior at - what 22?! You're 16, he's basically fucking grooming you!" She looked down.

"I-I think I love him, Y/nn." My heart dropped and I immediately shook my head in distaste. I didn't mean to, it was just an immediate reaction to her .. disturbing words.

"I-.." I sighed. "I don't know what to say about that. I know you can't control how you feel, but maybe you should try to detach? Lose contact? Billie, he's bad news and I knew it from the start. All he's gonna do is leave you heartbroken." I spoke honestly.

She looked down, interlacing her slender, ringed fingers behind her back. She didn't say anything, so I sighed and wrapped my arms around her in comfort.

And there it goes.

She broke down, sobbing into my chest as she gripped my shirt and pulled me even closer. "It's okay, Bil. Let it out, I'm here.." I whispered in her ear, over and over as I continued to comfort her.

After a few minutes, she finally calmed down and I could hear her sniffle and clear her throat every now and then.

"Thank you," Billie whispered into my chest, still gripping onto my shirt. I simply hum and give her a quick squeeze before we pull apart.

She stared up at me with a saddened look on her face. I just kept eye contact to let her know I'm here. Then, something changed. A look flashed in her eyes and before I knew it - her lips were on mine.

My eyes widened, and I didn't kiss back. I was frozen. She stopped when she noticed I wasn't reciprocating, opening her mouth to speak but was cut off by another.

"Oh.." My head had never turned so fast, a look of despair already all over my expression as I scanned over Ariana's hurt features.

"Shit, Ari it's not what it-"

"It's not what it looks like? Really? I'll see you around, Y/n." She began to turn away. I immediately stepped away from Billie and ran after Ariana's gradually leaving body.

"Wait!" She opened the door, basically sprinting away.


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