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(not proofread and a superrrr long chapter so grab ya popcorn)
[ chapter 16 ]

december 31
4:30 p.m
boca raton, florida

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"Do I look okay?" Billie turned around with a worried expression. I smiled in support.

"Yeah, you look great Bil." I stood up to give her a hug. She returned it and squeezed tightly before we pulled away. Her smile was wide and happy, but she had this glint in her eye. My smile faltered, I could tell.

"What's wrong?" I asked, raising an eyebrow to let her know I wouldn't let her slip past this.

She sighs, turning around to take off her outfit for tonight. We were waiting for Zayn to show up and she wanted to show me it; for my opinion.

"Brandon- I know you don't want me talking to him or anything, b-but I can't. Just let me get hurt, at this point." She giggles lightly, it wasn't a happy laugh though. It was more sad.

I sighed. What am I supposed to say, at this point? I didn't wanna start an argument about it, and it's clear she won't listen. I guess I'll just have to abide by her wishes. At least, just this time.

"Okay." She turned around now that she's back in sweatpants and a hoodie. I noticed the hoodie was mine, and the sweatpants were Zayn's. Typical Billie.

"Okay?" She seemed genuinely surprised. I sighed for the hundredth time and nodded.

"Yeah. I warned you, there's not much else I can do. I'll be here for you through everything, okay? I'll let you learn this lesson on your own." I smiled tightly.

Her whole face lit up as her smile widened impossibly. She sprinted at me full speed and I saw my whole life flash past me for a second as her body crashed on mine. We laughed as we fell off the bed and straight to the floor.

She squeezed me tightly, repeating a "thank you" over and over. I hummed and patted her back lightly. "Alright, alright, get off me fat ass-"

"Woah, what'd I miss?" I belly laughed as Zayn came in with wide eyes, barely holding onto the Wendy's bags he had in his hand.

"Me consenting to her getting her heartbroken by 'Q'." I rolled my eyes half jokingly. Billie gasped and slapped my chest, rolling her eyes but that smile was still present.

"Jesus," Zayn shook his head with a small laugh, setting the food down on Billie's bed. The blonde haired girl and I stood up and followed suit of the British boy, who sat down and began taking the food out.

He then handed us our drinks and we quickly dug in.

"So, we all havin' dates to the new years party tonight?" Zayn wiggled his eyebrows suggestively at me. I could see out of the corner of my eye Billie was looking at me in a similar way.

I chuckled lightly and finished my bite before speaking. "Yep." I popped the 'p', keeping back the detail they were clearly dying to hear. I sipped on my strawberry lemonade, snorting when Billie gave me a weird look and Zayn playfully glared.

"Fine, fine, yes it's Ariana." They cheered, high-fiving each other. I gave a confused look.

"We knew yall would make things serious. So, when are you making shit official?" Bil leaned forward, clearly interested in my love life. I rolled my eyes again, playfully of course.

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