The Date Prep

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 I got into my car and was about to drive away when I saw a fight break out in the parking lot. They were two people I haven't seen before. I think. I got out of my car to see what was happening. I think they are patients. "Hey guys! What is happening?" "I don't know maybe you should ask my fi-" He stopped. When he saw me he slowly put down the fist he had raised at me to threaten me with. "Would you like to apologize to me and this young man, or would you like for me to report you guys for inappropriate behaviour on hospital property?" "Sorry Jeremiah and whoever you are." "I'm a surgeon. My name is Dr.Cruse. I work in Orthopedics." "Oh well sorry Jeremiah and Dr.Cruse." Jeremiah looked up. He nodded his head and walked away. I was about to go when the guy grabbed my arm. "Want to go out with me tonight." This guy was really making me mad. "I'm sorry I can't. I'm kind of in a relationship and I don't get with guys who beat up innocent people. Yes, I know Jeremiah. He's my cousin." "Oh, sorry about that. Please don't report me." "I should, but I won't as long as you don't beat up anyone else." "I got it." "Ok good. Goodnight..." "James. My name is James." "Goodnight James." I walked back to my car. "*sigh* don't let some silly fight ruin your mood. All will be fine." At least that's what I kept telling myself. I was about to start my car when my phone started to ring. It was Andrew! I hope he didn't cancel our date. "Hey Ava right?" "Yes. That's me. Do you need something?" "Kind of. Can we push the date a bit later?" "Sure. Everything all right?" I asked him that because his voice was shaky and he sounded nervous. "All good just a little..." His voice trailed off. It sounded like he was mumbling, but I couldn't quite tell. "Andrew!? ANDREW!?" He didn't answer. Then the phone hung up and all I could hear was static. As I was about to call my cousin about the situation, I heard a knock on my car window. It was Andrew's resident. I rolled down the window. "Can I help you?" "Yes! Dr. Cruse, I think Dr. Corloah was severely injured." I was freaking out. "How? He just called me?" "He was calling you for help, but he was using code." "Why was he using code?" "Just come with me." I was really worried that Andrew had really severe injuries that I may not be able to handle. I got out of the car as fast as I could and Andrew's resident took me to an ICU room. In the bed a man was laying there and the male had his back turned toward the door I walked in at. As I was getting closer to the so called patient I heard all the nurses and surgeons come running toward the door with their phones out, cameras out. It worried me. I thought to myself that this must be a serious case. I was about to ask the resident what happened, but it seemed to be that he'd disappeared. Then as I got closer all the lights were turned on brighter in the room and the patient rolled around and got out of bed. It was Andrew! In a tux? "A-And-drew?! Oh my god you're alive! You're ok!" I ran up to him and hugged him. Everyone in the hallway was cheering as I had a few tears of joy running down my cheeks. "I've been ok this whole time. I wanted to surprise you and make this date special." "So you scared the hell out of me?" I said as I was laughing and crying. "Sorry, but a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do to get his lady." I was blushing. I bet my face looked like a tomato. "Thank you, but I-I'm not even ready for our date tonight!" "Don't worry. I've got that all settled." I was freaking out, but I didn't say anything. I just looked up at him and smiled. He had his resident escort me down the hallway to the attending office where a beautiful gold laced dress hung up with my cousin in the corner holding her makeup brush. I was about to start crying more tears of joy. As I walked into the room I saw my resident (who was really good at hair) was holding a styling comb. "Guys? What are you doing here?!" As I went up to them both and hugged them. "Were you both in on this?" "Everyone was sweetheart." I turned around and my mom was standing behind. (Yes, the mom that I haven't seen in 4 years because she has breast cancer.) "Mom!" I hugged her tightly. "Hi sweetheart. Are you excited for your date?" "Yes!" "Well then let's get you ready!" said my cousin standing in the corner still holding her makeup brush. I sat down in one of the chairs and let both the girls work their magic while my mom tells me about her first date with my dad. And boy were things different back then. "So, how do you like the new look?" I turned around and looked in the mirror. I clasped my hands to my mouth. "I love it so much! Thank you! How can I ever repay you for this beautiful work?" I was so mesmerized by how beautiful I looked. "You don't have to. This is something we did out of love for you." I was about to start crying even more tears of joy. "Thank you so much again." "Oh it's no problem" they all 3 said. I gave everyone my last few hugs and they sent me along to my date. I had hoped that I wouldn't get paged during this date. I mean after all of this stuff they did for me, but I knew I had to be realistic. If I got paged in the middle of this date I wouldn't be surprised.

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