It's What's After That Hurts

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"Hello Dr. Cruse! How are you feeling?" I groaned. It was my way of speaking. "Okay I will take that as not good. You were shot with an arrow so we need to take you into surgery to get it out and fix you up!" I nod my head yes. "Alright, I'll see you after surgery!" The nurse waved me goodbye and I was put under once I got to the O.R room.

The Nurse's Point of View

"I need a 10 blade!" The surgeon cut me open. "Clamp!" Things were going good. Until 10 minutes later. "Suction!" *slurp* The tube was sucking up extra blood that wasn't needed. "Slow down!" Another surgeon calls. Then my heart monitor started beeping like crazy! I need 10 cc of metoprolol!" "That didn't work! Give me 10 more cc of metoprolol and we're starting heart compressions. Bring the crash cart!" The heart monitor stopped beeping crazy and went back to normal. The surgeons end up taking out the arrow and there was no damage to any organs in that area. They put in artificial tissue from the 3D printer to replace the real tissue that was damaged by the arrow. 

Back to Ava's Point of View

When I woke up my room was filled with some real and fake flowers, tons of balloons, stickers on my bed, and practically everyone I loved. My mom was there, my sister was there, my niece was there, Andrew, and even Gary and Mary! Andrew and my mom rushed by my side. "How are you feeling?" Andrew said as he kissed my forehead. "Ew" said my niece. "I'm feeling- I can talk again!" Andrew gasped. "You can!" He said as a teardrop rolled down his cheek. "I'm doing fine now. I feel so much better." "I was scared I was gonna lose you!" Andrew said as more tears came streaming down his face. I managed to stretch my arms out long enough to hug him. It's ok Corloah, I'm right here." I say as I hug him with one arm and play with hair in the other. After I talked with everyone I said I was tired. I wasn't actually, I just wanted alone time with Andrew. After Everyone left, but Andrew, I had a crazy thought. "Hey Andrew." "yea Cruse?" "What if we weren't surgeons, but we still worked in the hospital. We would choose our own hours and-" " Are you thinking about quitting!?" "No, I'm definitely not quitting, but I overheard our boss talking..." "What did Hermandez say now?" "He's changing some of the surgeons' hours. We're a part of the group. We're working less, but getting paid more!" "That's great!" "I know I'm so excited! We get to hang out more and-" There is this huge sharp pain in my stomach. It hurts really bad. "Ahhh! It hurts so bad!" "I'm going to go get a nurse." I don't want him to go, so I grab onto his arm and don't let him go. He ends up pushing the nurses button connected to my bed and lays in my hospital bed with me, careful not to crush me. A nurse comes in with some pain meds. "These should help with the pain." "Ok, thanks" "Thanks for the pills." "no problem, let me know if there is anything else you need." I take them before another pain wave hits.

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