Okay day

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At 5:45 in the morning my alarm goes off. "Ugh, I forgot I have work today." As I get out of bed I start to smell bacon. "He does this on work days too?" I say to myself. "Come on Lady, let's go see Tramp and daddy!" I say as she perks up and follows me down the stairs. "Good morning my beautiful ladies!" Andrew says as he watches Lady walk right past him and over to Tramp who is eating his food. "Well okay then Lady!" He says giggling. "Good morning." I say resting my head in his chest. "I can see you're not excited for work today!" Andrew says giving me a kiss on the top of my head. "I honestly hope I don't like it. I want to sleep in." Andrew rolls his eyes at me and goes back to finish cooking the bacon. "Let me guess, you want ¾ pack of bacon?" He says turning around and smirking at me. "You know it!" Andrew likes bacon, but I love bacon. That's why I'm going to eat ¾ pack. "It's almost ready. How'd you sleep last night?" Yes! It's almost done. "I slept really well last night, but you hardly cuddled with me." I said, frowning. "I did cuddle you! You fell asleep, then I did and Lady laid on top of my arms in an uncomfortable way so I wrapped my arms around her." I do remember him saying ow a couple times last night. "Bacon and grits are served!" He says placing them both in front of me. "Thank you!" I am about to take a bite of bacon. "Kiss the chef first!" He says with puppy dog eyes. "Fine!" I say as I roll my eyes and lean in to kiss him. "Thank you! You may eat now." He says taking a bow. "My fiance is such a dork!" I say laughing a little bit as I take a bite of my grits. "This is a good batch! Good job baby!" I say kissing him on the cheek as he sits down. "Thank you!" "Mhm" After we eat in silence I go and get dressed. "Can you walk behind me? I want to try and walk up the stairs by myself, but I need you in case I need help." Andrew gets excited. "You want to try by yourself? You go, Cruse!" He runs behind me and we start walking up the stairs slowly. "I have two more steps left!" I say squealing. "You're doing it!" I made it up the stairs by myself. "You did it baby!" He says scooping me up in his arms. "You really did it!" He's so happy for me! This is why I'm marrying this man! He's so supportive and cute! "I actually did it by myself!" "You did!" I go and grab my clothes and get ready for work. "Are you ready, Andrew?" I call as I head down the stairs to put our lunches in a bag. "I'm coming!" He says half way down the stairs. "I could've packed my own lunch!" Andrew says kissing the top of my head. "It's fine, plus we need to walk out the door like right now, so you wouldn't have had time." "That's true!" Andrew says grabbing his jacket and keys. We walk out the door and get in the car. "You ready, Cruse?" He asks as we pull out of the driveway. "A little bit, but hardly at all. Oh, and can I please drive home tonight?" "Alright, fine, but I have to cook dinner then." "No, we are not cooking tonight. We are going to finish the chicken dinner!" "Fine! Only because I love you. And it's really good." I give him a side glare. "You better love me, Andrew Corloah!" He smiled. "You have no clue how much I love you." He says. My face started to turn a rosey red. "And we're here!" Andrew says parking in his parking spot. I sighed. "Here we go." I say opening my door. As we walk up to the building, Andrew grabs my hand. "Now, if you need anything, page me to the stairwell. I'll know it's you." I nod my head yes and walk through the front doors. We both wait for an elevator. "Isn't it crazy that this is where it all started!" He says, showing off his smile. "It is crazy! It's even crazier that we still haven't booked a wedding caterer!" Andrew rolls his eyes at me. "Our moms' can cook for us." I look at him with a really annoyed look. "I'm not putting our moms' through that!" "Ugh, fine, we can talk about it later." He says walking into the elevator. We head up a few floors to our surgical floor where we work. The elevator doors open. "This is where we part. Love you!" He says after he gives me a quick kiss on the lips. "Love you too!" I call after him. I walked into our attending lounge and everyone that I work with was there. The room was full of balloons, there was cake, and everyone was cheering. "Welcome back!" Everyone screamed. "Thank you so much!" I say as I hug everyone. "Let's cut the cake!" Our chief says. "Wait, let me take a picture!" I say before they destroy this beautiful red velvet cake with chocolate shreds around the edge and it says 'Welcome Back Dr. Cruse!' written in cursive, with chocolate. "It's beautiful!" I take a picture of the cake and send it to Andrew. 'Babe look at this cake!' He doesn't reply. I assumed he was probably in surgery. We all got a slice of the cake and talked for a little bit. "I still can't believe you're getting married to Corloah, so soon!" The head of plastic surgery said to me. "I know it's a shock to me too! A pat of me feels like we're moving at the right pace, and then another part of me thinks we're rushing it a little bit." She nods her head. "Did you know my husband proposed to me on our 4th date? I never said yes until a month later." My eyes went wide. "Are you guys still married?" I was shocked. The 4th date?! Geez! "You bet! We've been married for 37 years!" My eyes went wider, which I didn't even know was possible. "We can talk later. I've got a patient who wants ass cheek implants." I almost laughed. I'm assuming she noticed. "Go ahead and laugh, I did when I walked out the room." I let out my laughter. "Did you really have to say ass cheeks though?" "Her words. Not mine." She said as she walked out the door winking at me. I should probably check my patients for the day too. I can tell the chief was going light on me because I only have 5 patients to see. I walk into my first patient's room. It was a 17 year old boy who broke his leg. "Hello there, Marcus, can I take a look at your leg?" He looks me up and down. "If I can get a date with you!" He said, still looking at me and trying to check me out. "Um, how about no. For 3 VERY good reasons. One, I have a fiance, two you're seventeen, three I'm your doctor!" He rolled his eyes at me. "Just fix me up and send me home." I went to check out his leg. "Marcus, how did you break your leg?" I was trying to create small talk to clear up most of the awkwardness. "I was skateboarding at a skatepark. I didn't land my last stunt." Keep in mind it's only 8:47 in the morning. "Aren't you supposed to be in school?" His face turns deep red. "Caught you red handed didn't I? I already called your mom. She's on the way." He looked mad and shocked at the same time. "How did you- why did you- when did you do that?" I pretend to hesitate. "I saw your charts and noticed your age. Your mom's number is in your emergency contacts. I'm not stupid!" I said giggling. "Doctors are straight up bitches!" He mumbled. "Well, I'm sorry to hear that, but not all of us are like that, but you do know I'm an orthopedic surgeon right." He looked confused. "Yeah, you guys check out bones, slap on a cast, and let their patients go without calling their parents!" He said yelling at me. "Marcus, I'm a surgeon. That means you need surgery to fix your leg." His face dropped. "What!?" I nod my head. "Your bone is shattered. The only way to fix it is with surgery." He crossed his arms. "Get out of here until my mom gets here." I could tell he was a little mad. "Okay, but I'm still going to be up front, so no escaping. If you try to get up and walk you'll make the damage even worse and I may not be able to fix what happened to you." He starts to lay down on the cot. "I get it. No leaving, no standing." "Okay, well if you need me just call my name. Dr. Cruse. I'll leave the door cracked open a little bit so I can hear you." He doesn't answer, so I just left. Then I see a woman rush through the front door screaming Marcus's name. "Marcus? Marcus! Where are you?" I walk up to her and calm her down. "Ma'am your son is in room 7. I will take you to him." She nodded her head and walked with me. I opened the door for her. "Here he i-" "Marcus I'm going to kill you! Why did you leave school? Now look at this karma!" His mom was scolding him. "What kind of treatment does he need? A cast? A boot?" This is not the hard part, but I definitely don't like this part. "Well, it appears that Marcus needs to have surgery performed on his leg. He shattered both his tibula and fibula in a couple different places." His mom still looked angry. "Well he deserved it after the stunt he pulled last week. "Mom!" He called. "Oh you don't want your doctor to know?" His face was turning deep red. "No, it's okay. I will have someone take Marcus, upstairs and get him situated until his surgery." His mom slowly nodded her head. "When will the surgery be?" I have to check my other patients so I'm not sure. "I will have a time for you by the end of today." She nodded her head. I had to go up two floors to see my next patient. I ended up getting the elevator I like. When I got up to the floor I needed to be on I went to go check on my patient. It was a 10 year old girl who needed an x-ray done to see if her left arm has healed. "Well hello Hailey how are you doing?" She seemed a little tired so I didn't push for an answer. "I'm doing good. Are we going to get this cast off of my arm today?" She asked, crossing her fingers. "We're going to take it off for the x-ray. If it isn't healed we'll put a new one on. "Okay." She said a little disappointed, but she still seemed happy to get it off. I hold her hand as we go in the elevator. "Pretty ring." She says looking at my engagement ring. "Thank you." She smiled. "Where'd you get it?" I love having conversations with kids. They bring me joy. "I'm getting married!" I said smiling down at her. "I love your shoes! They're pretty and pink!" She smiles huge. "Is your husband nice? And thank you! My dad got them for me for my birthday!" How cute! "Well your dad did a great job at picking them out. Are you ready to get your x-ray?" I say as we get out of the elevator. She squeezes my hand tighter. "It's okay. I'll be in the room with you." She gives me a hug. I hug her back. "It's okay. I will make sure that arm is healed!" I said as I pretended to do a magic spell to make her arm heal. I already knew it was healed because she had the ability to give me a hug. "Now, let's go get an x-ray of your arm!" I say holding her hand as we walk down the hall and enter the x-ray room. "I'm going to put this gown on you okay?" I say as I grab one and put it around her. "Okay." "Alright, now I need you to go stand against that wall so we can take a picture of your bone." She nods her head and goes over the wall. I get her x-ray and walk her back to her room. "Can we go down the stairs?" She asks when we walk past the door to the stairwell. I hesitate. I guess I could gain my strength back. "Sure. Why not?" We head down three flights of stairs. "We made it!" She said not out of breath at all. "Y-yep!" I say panting. "Are you okay?" She asks giggling. "I'm old!" I say tickling her belly. She laughs. "Your fun to hang out with!" I smile. "Thank you! Let's head back to your room now." I say holding her hand again. We walk back to her room and I help her get back into bed. "So how long does it take for you to get the results?" Her mom asks, smiling. "Not long since I'll be the one to check out the x-ray." "Okay thank you!" Her mom says. "It was no problem." I wave to Hailey as I walk out the door. As I walked out I heard Hailey telling her mom about our 'fun' time. I went to go check Hailey's x-ray when I got paged to the stairwell. It was Andrew! How sweet. I got to the stairwell and he was standing in the corner waiting for me. "Hey!" I say as I kiss his cheek. "Hey!" He says giving me a huge hug. "What's up?" I asked because we were only to page each other here if something was wrong. "I am thinking about quitting." My eyes went wide. "What!" "I'm kidding, but both of our hours are being cut in half even more." I don't know how to react. "Well what are they doing? Trying to slowly get rid of us?" He shakes his head. "She's not really cutting our hours, but she said we should go home until one of us is paged. Like if you did a CT on a patient and had to wait 2 hours, then you could go home for those 2 if you don't have any other patients." I shake my head in disbelief. "I'm not doing that. I'm not going to waste my gas." Andrew shruggs. "You don't have to drive back and forth. It's just a suggestion." I rolled my eyes. I gave him a kiss on the cheek and went to look at Hailey's x-ray. It turns out I was right. Her arm was completely healed. I head to Haliey's room to tell her. "Good news Hailey, your arm is completely better! I told you my spell would work!" I said, giving her a warm smile. She started giggling. "Yay! Now me and you can have a real playdate!" I look at her mom with a light smile on my face still. "That's up to Dr. Cruse, but she may be-" Hailey is so determined. "I get off work at three in the afternoon. We could meet at the park at around 3:30." I say handing Hailey's mom my 2nd cell number. I have two for situations like these and for work. "Thank you!" Hailey says wrapping her arms around me. "It was no problem." I say winking at her mom. I text Andrew and tell him I'll be home later tonight. 'Why?' 'I have a playdate!' I say with a smiley face. 'With who?' 'A 10 year old patient I had today. We're going to the park around 3:30. We might go get linner, so if you want to eat don't worry about me.'Andrew sends me a thumbs up emoji. After I finish texting Andrew I go and check on my last few patients. Gary and Mary are here for a check up so I go check on them first. "I need Marmalade McQuire to the back office please." The nurse calls from up front. After the nurse checks Mary's temperature and gets her blood pressure they have her come to an open room so I can check out her hip. "It was hard to squeeze an appointment in with you!" I tell her as she walks through the door. "I'm a very busy lady who goes to very busy places." She says winking at me. I check out her hip and she tells me about her grandson's baseball game. "I'm still so proud of him for running the first home-run of the season!" I smile at her. "I'm proud of him too!" I say. "So, when are you and Andrew going to have kids?" She says sitting up. My eyes went wide and I could feel my cheeks turn bright red."We haven't really talked about having kids, but we did once and it seemed like he wanted them. It's just I'm not ready. I want them, don't get me wrong, but I don't think I'm ready." She nods her head slowly. "Ok, dear. Do you want me to wait for Gary?" I nod my head yes and hand her the check-up report giving her the all clear. "You can go ahead and send Gary back here now." She nods her head and walks into the waiting room. She takes a seat and pats Gary's shoulder. "You're up bubs!" She says with a sweet smile on her face. Gary gets up and walks to the room where his blood pressure and temperature gets taken at. He walks back and goes into a room that was close to where Mary's was. "How are you and Andrew doing?" He says as he rolls up his sleeve so I can check out his stitches. "We're doing good. I'm feeling a little lightheaded and nauseous, but good. Andrew has been running around the hospital all day and he called me earlier saying his feet were hurting." I said with a sad face. "Maybe you could give him a foot massage. Mary gives me one every Sunday. She's been doing it since we've been engaged!" I smile. "Maybe I should give him a foot massage!" I say as I start removing his stitches. "Let me know if it hurts or burns." I tell him, being careful not to injure him. "You're doing a great job. I barely feel anything!" He says smiling. After I got one stitch out of his arm I got a page. 'Your last patient doesn't need to be checked out anymore. You're clear!' it says. "Oh yay!" I say out loud. Gary looks up at me. "What's up, Ava?" He says smiling big. "You're my last patient for today!" I say super happily. "Oh good!" He says laying back down so I can finish taking out his stitches. After I finish I hug Mary and Gary goodbye and go get ready to go home.

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