Chapter 1: A Lovely Beginning.

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Love isn't that easy, Especially when you just have people bringing you down because of the person you like, Or when your just scared to admit your feelings to the person you like. I'm sure most people felt that way. "It's Hard to tell your mind not to love someone when your heart still does." Loving someone can be pretty hard, Especially if you have doubts. But in the end, Everything will be okay once you find out that person feels the same way. This is the same problem Rainbow and Applejack is going through. People are bringing both of these people down so they wouldn't love one another. But their heart tells them to keep on loving them. 

(A/N: The quote in the introduction is not made by me. I don't know who made it so please don't yell at me.)

On a Beautiful Sunday Morning, Rainbow Dash got up and got ready for the day. Took a shower, Put on her clothes, Brushed her teeth. Then, She went downstairs to make breakfast. Rainbow's parents weren't home, They were out doing important stuff. Once Rainbow finished eating her breakfast. She put her plate in the sink and went upstairs to play on her video games. You see, Rainbow doesn't have friends. Yet. So She didn't really have to much to do on the weekends. Well sometimes she went to see her cousins. Her only friend is her pet tortoise, Tank. She goes outside to play with tank sometimes just to get some fresh air, Sometimes they went to the park. But let's be honest, Rainbow sometimes got bored of playing video games. She actually wished she had friends. Even though she doubt she'll get any. When she has no one to talk to, She just talk to her cousins or her parents. Or, She'd talk to tank even though he don't talk. But, She seems to understand tank a little bit. Right now, Rainbow signed off of her video game and just sat down on her bed, looking at the ceiling. 

"I just wish I had friends, It always gets boring in here" She sighed.

Suddenly, She heard the door open. She jumped up and went downstairs and seen her parents. 

Rainbow Dash: "Mom! Dad!" She shouted, The ran up to her parents and gave them a tight hug, They hugged back.

Windy Whistles: "Hey Sweetie, How have you been?"

Rainbow Dash: "Bored, As always." Rainbow shrugged, Her parents smiled.

Bowhot hoof: "Well...We actually enrolled you to a new school." Her dad suddenly said, Rainbow's eyes widen.

Rainbow Dash: "You did??" She asked, Obviously surprised. Her parents nodded.

Windy Whistles: "Yup. We know your old school was terrible, So we just decided to enroll you to  new school. Even though we were gonna wait for about another week or two." Her mom said, Rainbow Dash smiled.

Rainbow Dash: "Thanks Mom and Dad! I finally can get out the house and actually make friends." She said with a slight giggle in her voice, Her parents giggled along with her.

Bowhot hoof: "Alright kiddo, You start tomorrow. No need to worry about getting school supplies because you have some already. But just make sure you get your clothes ready for school tomorrow." Her dad exclaimed, Rainbow nodded. Still smiling. 

Rainbow Dash: "Okay, I'm gonna go to my room now." Rainbow said, Her parents nodded.

Windy Whistles: "Alright. Come to us if you need anything. We'll just be in the room." Windy said, Rainbow nodded and went up to her room. In thoughts. 

"I wonder what my new school would be like. I'm a bit nervous but also excited. I can finally get out of the house and make friends, That is if I make any."

                                                                              To be continued....

Hey guys, The story is here!! I hope you guys enjoyed it so far. :D

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