Chapter 9: The Love Is Real.

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"Suspended?! I-I can't be suspended! Especially for something I don't even know about, I didn't do anything. I swear!"

"Sorry Rainbow Dash, But the proof has been revealed. I don't know why you're sitting here lying to my face when the proof is in your face." V.P Luna exclaimed. Little did they know, Celestia and Applejack was standing at the door.

"But, Vice Principal Luna. I didn't do anything, Somebody must be behind this." Rainbow said while her voice was breaking. But no tears came out. Yet. 

"Rainbow, Stop going back and forth with me. I told you, You are suspended and that's final. You can come back next month because you messed up something that is school property." She said, Rainbow's eyes widen.

Rainbow Dash: "Next month??" Rainbow asked in disbelief. Celestia and Applejack however, Which are the people who were unnoticed at that point on. Eyes widen, Applejack knew the truth behind this but was scared to tell. Celestia was a little confused. 

Principal Celestia: "What is going on..?" Celestia whispered to herself, Applejack heard her. But wasn't true if she should tell. True, She told last time when her 'friends' tried to get her in trouble last time. The truth was, They were the one's who messed up the classroom. They pretty got pictures of Rainbow tripping over some stuff, and just photo shopped her. Soon, They seen Rainbow Dash run out of the office. Applejack could've sworn Rainbow was crying, After that scene that was just being seen with her own eyes, She made up her mind. 


Meanwhile with Rainbow Dash, She had tears running down her face. How could this happen to her? Why her? She packed some of her stuff she needed to take home with her. And on her way out the door, She heard Applejack. She went to the office door and listened in. 

"She didn't do anything, I swear. My friends were in on this, They had told me what they were gonna do. But I wasn't in on it. The real pictures are here."

Rainbow's eyes widen, She did it again. She saved her. Again. Only reason why she's shocked because...She's a popular girl and a somebody and yet she actually saved her from getting into trouble. 

"Please don't suspended her, She didn't do anything." Is what Rainbow heard, She unexpectedly sounded so worried and scared. 

*Sigh* "Alright Applejack...I believe you, Hopefully she didn't go home. I need to tell that I'm sorry for this. I also have to suspend Adagio and Lighting Dust for a month."

Soon after that, Applejack had came out of the office. Her eyes landed on Rainbow

Applejack: "Rainbow? You heard the whole conversation?" She asked.

Rainbow Dash: "Well...Yes, I did. I was on my way out until I heard you. So I came up to the office door and just decided to listen in." She replied, Applejack and Rainbow stared at each other in the eyes for a bit. Then V.P Luna came out of the office.

V.P Luna: "Oh, Rainbow you're still here. Applejack told me the truth behind all of that...You know..stuff. And I'm just here to tell you that I'm sorry for the confusion. I hope you accept my apology." She said, Rainbow smiled.

Rainbow Dash: "It's all good, Vice Principal Luna. At least we found out the real truth." Rainbow said, V.P Luna smiled. 

V.P Luna: "Well You two should get to class now. Make sure your teachers that teach the class you missed know why you missed class." She said, They both them nodded. They both said goodbye to the Principal. Both Adagio and Lighting Dust were suspended so they could hang out as much as they want. They went quiet for a moment, Applejack just decided to ask her out. Although she was scared but had a little courage. 

Applejack: "Rainbow..Uh...Can I ask you something?" Applejack asked.

Rainbow Dash: "Of course, Anything." Rainbow said, Applejack took a deep breath before saying anything.

Applejack: "Rainbow....D-Do you wanna....Go on..A date with me?" Applejack asked, Rainbow's eyes widen in shock. Did she just ask her go out with her?

Rainbow Dash: "Wait...Really?" Rainbow asked in disbelief, Applejack smiled and nodded.

Applejack: "Of course I mean it, I don't lie." Applejack said.

Rainbow Dash: "Well in that case...Yes!" Rainbow said with a smile. 

Applejack: "Okay so when?"

Rainbow Dash: "Erm...Maybe..Next Saturday at 1:30?" She said, Applejack nodded.

Applejack: "Okay, Sounds good."

                                                                                      To be continued...

Hey guys, Here's an update. Hope you enjoyed it! :D

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