Chapter 10: The Fight For Friendship.

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It was the beginning of the week, Monday. The day most people hate, Rainbow and Applejack were going on a date this weekend. Rainbow was excited but also nervous for some odd reason. Maybe it's a feeling she's been having ever since they met? True, They are going on a date but Rainbow is unsure if she should make it official (if you know what I mean) . Applejack told her that she was planning it, So it was less stress for her since apparently she's not a romance freak..Well...At least not really.  She got ready for school. Once that was done, She made herself a quick breakfast before leaving the house. While walking to school, She bumped into someone. It was a purple skined girl with glasses. She also had a bun.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Are you okay?" She asked her, Rainbow nodded. The unknown purple skined teen asked, Rainbow nodded. She offered a hand and Rainbow accepted it. 

Rainbow Dash: "Thanks." She said with a smile.

"You're welcome." She said. They went quiet for a moment. 

Rainbow Dash: "So, What's your name?" Rainbow asked, Breaking the silence.

"Oh, Yeah right! I'm Twilight. Twilight Sparkle." She said, Rainbow smiled kindly.

Rainbow Dash: "That's a nice name, I'm Rainbow Dash." Rainbow told her, Twilight smiled. 

Twilight: "Thanks, And you have a nice name too." Twilight said.

Rainbow Dash: "You're welcome and Thank you."

Twilight: "You're Welcome." Twilight said. 


"Ugh! You can't be serious, How did someone know about this? And when we find out, It's not gonna be pretty!" Lighting Dust scolded.

"Ugh, Lighting Dust just shut up! We're gonna find out who did eventually." She exclaimed. They both into thoughts. 

"The pictures were hidden in the bathroom somewhere, Who picked them up?"

"Hmm...Maybe Twilight?" Adagio said, Lighting Dust shook her head.

"Nah, It couldn't possibly be her. I don't even think she knew about this situation. Then again, Who did?" Lighting Dust went back into thoughts. The only person who knew about this besides Adagio was Applejack. But she couldn't have done that right? And that's when she realized, It probably was her.

"I think it was Applejack.." Lighting Dust said, Adagio laughed.

 "Seriously? How could It possibly be Applejack?" She giggled. Lighting Dust groaned.

"It's not funny Adagio! I'm serious. Plus, She's the only one who knew about it. Nobody else did, So who else would it be?" Lighting Dust said, In a irritated tone. Then Adagio eyes widen.

"Ohh....Now I see what you mean. But...I- Ugh!! Applejack is for sure gonna get it after this-"

"Why don't we just kick her out? I mean, She's obviously falling for that...Ugh..I don't even wanna say her name. But ever since that new girl came, She changed." Lighting Dust said. Well That's the first time she stated facts. It was true, Applejack was falling for Rainbow Dash but didn't have the guts to tell her friends. 

"Hmm...Well..You're right but...i got a better plan.."


Rainbow and Applejack were walking into the lunch room to get their lunch. After that was done, They were trying to see where to sit. Until they heard an high pitched voice call their names.

Pinkie Pie: "RAINBOW DASH, APPLEJACK!! OVER HERE!!" Pinkie shouted. Rainbow and Applejack looked at each other and smiled. They both sat where Pinkie was sitting. She was sitting with 4 other girls. Applejack knew who they were, Rainbow did also but she didn't know who the red and yellow haired girl was. 

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