Chapter 7: Your Love Keeps Lifting Me Higher.

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On a Friday Afternoon. Not a school hour, Applejack was just taking a 10 - 15 minute walk. She may be happy on the outside but on the inside, She's freaking out. What would her friends say if they found out she liked Rainbow? Does Rainbow feel the same way?  This has been overwhelming for her, She just shook her head. She didn't wanna think about it right now. Suddenly, She had bumped into someone. They both fell, Applejack looked up to see who is was. It was one of her friends, Adagio. 

Adagio: "Why Hello, Applejack. Didn't think you'd be out here at this time." Adagio said, Applejack waved.

Applejack: "Hey..Well...Yeah, I'm just out here taking a walk. Nothing extra." She told her with a shrug. Adagio rolled her eyes.

Adagio: "So, I seen that you were talking to that new girl again, huh?" Adagio said, Applejack's eyes widen in shock.

Applejack: "Wait- How-"

Adagio: "Don't ask, Applejack. Me and Lighting Dust were watching. We were at the park when you were there." Adagio exclaimed. Then she grabbed her by the shirt.

Adagio: "I better not EVER catch you hanging out with her. You're lucky I'm giving you a chance, AGAIN. So just...Leave the girl alone and let her be. We don't want anything to do with her. Understand?" Adagio said, Applejack hesitated for a little bit. Then she sighed.

Applejack: "..Yes."

Adagio: "Good." Adagio smirked. Then she dropped her.

Adagio: "Oops, Sorry! Looks like my hands aren't strong enough to hold you by your shirt." Adagio said, walking away. Applejack groaned loudly and face palmed. She realized that her phone fell out of her pocket. It was on the sidewalk. She went to pick it up until she felt another hand on top of hers. She looked up, It was Rainbow Dash. They both blushed while staring at each other, face to face. Applejack felt butterflies in her stomach. 

Rainbow Dash: "Oh um...Here you go." She said, Letting go of Applejack's hand. Applejack picked up her phone and put it in her pocket like it was before. 

Rainbow Dash: "Heh..sorry."

Applejack: "It's fine, Thank you though." She said with a smile. Rainbow thought Applejack's smile was the best thing in the world, She couldn't help but smile back. Applejack's smile was gonna be the end of her.

Rainbow Dash: "So um...You wanna walk together for a bit?" She asked, Applejack was shocked at first. She couldn't help but blush, She didn't wanna blush but she did. Rainbow chuckled.

Rainbow Dash: "You're cute when you blush." She suddenly blurted out, Applejack blushed a bit harder. Then she let out a giggle. 

Applejack: "Yeah, No. But thanks." 

Rainbow Dash: You're Welcome."


Applejack and Rainbow walked around the neighborhood more then they expected. They were just talking, Laughing and other things. Applejack and Rainbow Dash got to know more about each other. But only one problem...Their feelings grew a little more for each other. Soon, They both made eye contact. 

Rainbow Dash: "You know AJ, Your eyes are very beautiful. They really shine in the moonlight very well." Rainbow blurted out, Applejack blushed. Luckily, No one could see that she was blushing. Then Rainbow blushed because she had realized what she just said out loud.

Rainbow Dash: "Wait...What did I just say?" Rainbow said in shock. Applejack laughed.

Applejack: "It's fine, Sugarcube. Thank you, I appreciate the comment." 

Rainbow Dash: "Well...It is getting dark. I...I could take you home if you want."

Applejack: "Oh, sure." Applejack said.


Rainbow Dash: "Well, I guess I'll see you tomorrow at school?"

Applejack: "Sure, No problem." 

Rainbow Dash: "Alright, See ya."

Applejack: "See ya." Applejack smiled. She had a good day with Rainbow Dash. She wished it lasted longer but it didn't. She still was thinking about what Adagio said to her. She didn't want to see what was coming if she got caught hanging out with Rainbow again. She was scared if she had to be honest. She went in the house and went upstairs to her room. She was just on her phone until someone had barged into her room, Applebloom did. 

Applebloom: "Hey Applejack? Why are you smiling so much?" Applebloom asked curiously, Applejack blushed light pink. While her eyes were wide. 

Applejack: "N-No Reason...I-"

Applebloom: "Oooo, Does my big sister have a crush? I can see you're blushing." Applebloom teased, Applejack's eyes widen.

Applejack: "N-No...I'm not!"

Applebloom: "Are to!" Applebloom argued. Applejack sighed.

Applejack: "Fine, I am."

Applebloom: "As I thought, AJ. Now, Who's your crush?? I wanna know!" Applebloom said, Begging for an answer. Applejack hesitated for a bit. She could tell her sister secrets but sometimes she would just go and say it out loud so people would hear. She didn't want that, She wasn't sure if she could confess at all.

Applejack: *sigh* "..So...This girl in my school..Her name is-"

Applebloom: "Wait a girl?? You like girls?? That's so cool, Can I be a lesbian too?!" Applebloom said excitedly, Applejack chuckled.

Applejack: "Well, If that's how you feel then...You could like girls." Applebloom giggled.

Applebloom: "Thanks, Alright..Go on." Applebloom said.

Applejack: "As I was saying...Her name is Rainbow Dash, She's very smart, Sweet, Funny, Adorable..." Applejack paused, She smiled at the thought of her. It really made her feel better just thinking about her.

Applejack: "She makes me laugh and well...She's very gentle and..very trustworthy." 

Applebloom: "Aww, So sweet! I should go tell my-"

Applejack: "No!" Applejack said, She knew she was gonna run off and tell her friends and such. But that wasn't happening.

Applebloom: "But you didn't let me finish-"

Applejack: "No Applebloom, Don't tell ANYBODY. Ya hear me?" She said, Applebloom sighed and nodded.

Applebloom: "Alright..." Applebloom said, walking out of her sisters room. Applejack suddenly got a call from one of her friends. It was Adagio, What does she want?


"Hey Applejack, Tomorrow..Meet me at my house. I have something to tell you and it's very important.." 

                                                                                            To be continued...

Yup, I sure did end it with a cliffhanger on purpose. And i don't regret it. :P

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