Chapter 8: Did This Plan Pay Off?

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Applejack was at Adagio's house with Lighting Dust. Both Lighting Dust and Applejack were curious about what Adagio needed them for. 

Adagio: "Alright guys, I'm gonna tell you three things. Okay?" 

LD and AJ: "Okay."

Adagio: "Alright first....I GOT A BOYFRIEND!!!" Adagio cheered, Both of the teens eyes widen.

Lighting Dust: "Woah Woah Woah, You got a boyfriend?? Who is it?" Lighting Dust asked.

Adagio: "His name is Flash Sentry. Isn't he charming." Adagio said in awe. Lighting Dust gave her a look as if she was crazy.

Lighting Dust: "Girl, You got you an ugly man. Flash belongs to the egghead of the school. Like you two...Ya'll don't suit together. I'm sorry." Lighting Dust said, Caring less about what her friends were gonna say to her. 

Adagio: *gasp* "How dare you say that Lighting Dust?? You ruined me!" Adagio said dramatically, Lighting Dust rolled her eyes.

Lighting Dust: "All I did was state an opinion, Adagio. Nothing more. So stop whining and get over it." Lighting Dust said, Annoyed. Adagio scoffed.

Adagio: "Ugh, Whatever. On to the next thing I have to tell you guys." Adagio said, Both of her friends waited patiently for Adagio to spill the tea. 

Adagio: "I've got a plan to get rid of the new girl!" Adagio said, Happily. Lighting Dust eyes narrowed. While Applejack didn't seem to happy about that.

Lighting Dust: "Woah, Why so soon?" She only been here for a week or two." Lighting Dust said.

Adagio; "Yeah, I know. But I can't stand her like ugh! She just do to much!" Adagio complained.

Applejack: "Why are you being so mean to her? She didn't do anything, I don't understand. Why out of all people we just mess with her? I mean...Not saying I wanna mess with other people but..I'm just saying."

Lighting Dust: "Oh? Applejack has a crush on the new girl? Very impressive." Lighting Dust said sarcastically, Applejack blushed.

Applejack: "N-No I don't!" She said, covering her face with her hands.

Lighting Dust: "As I thought." Lighting Dust smirked, Applejack sighed.

Adagio: "Alright now next one is.."


Meanwhile with Rainbow Dash, Pinkie was over her house. They are currently playing a bored game. Rainbow won.

Rainbow Dash: "Yay! I won!"

Pinkie Pie: "Aw! I lost, That sucks. But good job, Dashie!" Pinkie said.

Rainbow Dash: "Thanks!"

Now they were just on Rainbow's bed, Talking. It went quiet for a moment, Pinkie knew exactly what to talk about.

Pinkie Pie: "So Rainbow? You have a crush on Applejack, Huh?" Pinkie asked, Rainbow's eyes widnen while blushing.

Rainbow Dash: "Well...Y-yes...I do."

Pinkie Pie: "Yay! You finally admitted it! About time." Pinkie said, Rainbow chuckled.

Rainbow Dash: "Yeah, Rarity had said so." She said.

Pinkie Pie: "Soo...When are you planning on going on a date with her? Or at least confessing." Pinkie said, Rainbow's eyes widen.

Rainbow Dash: "Uh, Never! I mean I....*sigh* I don't know.." Rainbow said, Pinkie tapped her on the shoulder.

Pinkie Pie: "Come on Rainbow, Cheer up. I'm sure she likes you back. The way she looks at you when you're not looking. She also gives you a certain smile when she's around you. I don't know how you didn't notice but it's true." Pinkie said, Rainbow's eyes widen.

Rainbow Dash: "Really?"

Pinkie Pie: "Yeah, I mean..Who wouldn't like you. You're awesome!" Pinkie said with a kind smile, Rainbow smiled back.

Rainbow Dash: 'Aw, Thanks Pinkie." 

Pinkie Pie: "No problem."


The next day at school, Rainbow was called to the office for some odd reason. She had a bad feeling about it. But she just went anyway. She opened the door and seen VP Luna with a upset and mad look on her face.

Rainbow Dash: "V.P Luna? Is everything okay?" Rainbow asked, Not knowing what was going on.

V.P Luna: "Rainbow...Is it true?"

Rainbow Dash: "What do you mean? I don't know what's going on." Rainbow said confused. 

V.P Luna: "So can you explain this?" She said, Holding up some pictures. It was her, Her eyes widen. It was her messing up the classroom. When did this happen? She don't remember doing any of this. Was this some kind of trick? Were the popular girls behind this? So many questions went through her head.

Rainbow Dash: "I-I swear I didn't do anything...I..I don't understand." She said.

V.P Luna: "Really Rainbow? You're sitting her lying to my face when the pictures prove it all." She said with a slight chuckle.

Rainbow Dash: "But...That could've been a misunderstanding. I didn't do anything..."

V.P Luna: "Rainbow, I'm so sick of your lying. I'm sorry but I have no choice but I'm a afraid I have to.." She trailed off, She didn't think she had to do this to Rainbow at all. But she had to. But little did she know, Two specific girls were behind this.

V.P Luna: "I'm sorry but I have to suspend you.."

                                                                                         To be continued...

So yes, It's a cliffhanger. It's getting late so I'll update later on tomorrow or Probably Monday. Hope you enjoyed it though. :)


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