Chapter 18: The Wedding! [FINALE CHAPTER]

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(A/N: Alright guys, This is the ACTUAL final chapter. Hope you enjoy this!)

Rainbow was shaking in nervousness, She looked in the mirror and bit her lip. How was this gonna go?

"Rainbow? Everything alright in there?" A soft voice suddenly was heard, Rainbow looked to see who was at the door. It was Fluttershy, Rainbow nodded but she was still shaking. 

Rainbow Dash: "Y-Yes...I-I'm Fine." She lied, She was no where near fine. 

Fluttershy: "You know, Rainbow. If you're nervous, You can tell me. Don't worry, I bet Applejack is more scared then you are." Fluttershy said, Then suddenly, Rainbow's Dad came in. 

Bow Hothoof: "Rainbow, Are you okay?" 

Fluttershy: "She's Fine, She just a little...Nervous. Or I should say..Very nervous." Fluttershy spoke. Rainbow's Dad walked up to Rainbow and tapped her on the shoulder. She flinched a bit, Then looked at her dad. 

Bow Hothoof: "Rainbow, It's gonna be okay. It's normal to be nervous, I bet Applejack is nervous too." Her dad said, Comforting her. Rainbow sighed and nodded.

Rainbow Dash: "Okay...But I'm still nervous." Rainbow said, Her father chuckled. 

Bow Hothoof: "It's Okay, Rainbow. Then again, I'm walking down the aisle with you so your not alone." Her dad said with a gentle smile, Rainbow smiled a little. I guess it made her a little better, Just a little.

Rainbow Dash: "Thanks Dad." She said as she hugged her dad, Her dad hugged her back. 

Bow Hothoof: "You're Welcome."

✩.・*:。≻───── ⋆♡⋆ ─────.•*:。✩

Meanwhile with Applejack, Applejack was nervous also. She was in a room with Twilight, Twilight was currently comforting Applejack.

Twilight: "Applejack, Everything is gonna be fine. I bet Rainbow is nervous also so it's okay." Twilight comforted her. 

Applejack: "I know but I'm just...I'm just excited and Nervous!" Applejack said, Twilight chuckled.

Twilight: "I get it, But it's gonna be okay." Twilight said, Then Pinkie burst into the door. 

Pinkie Pie: "Heya Guys!! I'm So excited for this day!! Time really moved fast, You guys were girlfriend and girlfriend and now you guys are getting married! Then after that, You guys are gonna live together then have kids!! This is so exciting!! Are you excited?! Because I'm excited too!" Pinkie rambled, Applejack and Twilight giggled.

Twilight: "Yes, Pinkie. We Are. But right now, I have to comfort Applejack before it's time." Twilight said, Pinkie grinned.

Pinkie Pie" Oooo! Can I help you!? Can I !? Can I? Can I??!" Pinkie begged.

Twilight: "No, I think this only takes one person." Twilight answered honestly, Pinkie nodded.

Pinkie Pie: "Alright well, I'm gonna go check on Dashie. See ya! Never wanna be ya!" Pinkie said before skipping away. Twilight rolled her eyes playfully, Pinkie sure was something. 

✩.・*:。≻───── ⋆♡⋆ ─────.•*:。✩

Back with Rainbow Dash, She was just about ready but still nervous. There was no way she was gonna not be nervous until this was over. Suddenly, The door opened. It was Sunset. 

Sunset Shimmer: "Guys, It's time." Sunset informed, Fluttershy, Rainbow and Rainbow's father nodded. Sunset smiled and left the room. 

Fluttershy: "Alright guys, I'll be in the audience." Fluttershy said before leaving the room. Bow hothoof and Rainbow nodded. 

Bow Hothoof: "Ready?" Rainbow's father asked, Rainbow hesitated for a moment. She was still nervous, But she took a deep breath and nodded.

Rainbow Dash: "Ready." She said, Her dad nodded.

Bow hothoof: "Alright, Let's go kiddo." 

Rainbow was now walking down the aisle, Applejack looked Beautiful. Very. Yes, They both were wearing white dresses. But the only difference was, Rainbow's was fluffy and Applejack's wasn't. Once she reached where Applejack was, She looked at Applejack in the eyes and smiled at her. Applejack smiled back.

While the Mayor was talking, Applejack and Rainbow just smiled at each other. Pinkie on the other hand, Had a stupid grin on her face. Rarity took a glance at Pinkie, She rolled her eyes with a smile on her face. 

"Alright, Time for the vows. Who's first?" The mayor said, Applejack and Rainbow's eyes widened. Then Rainbow chuckled.

Rainbow Dash: "I'll go first." Rainbow spoke, Applejack nodded.

Rainbow Dash: *Sigh* "Applejack....Everything in me recognizes your heart as my home and your arms, my shelter. You are my better half and very bestfriend. I will love you, Honor you,respect and cherish you in sickness and health, Through Sorrows and Success, For all the days of my life, I am forever yours." (A/N: I did not make these vows.) Now the audience was heard with "Aws" and some claps along the way. Applejack smiled. 

Applejack: "Aww, That's so sweet."

Rainbow Dash: "I know." Rainbow grinned, Now it was Applejack's turn. 

Applejack: "Rainbow, I am so proud that today I become your Wife, I love you. I love the way you dance to make me laugh, I love that you always push my hair back when it's in my face. And I love that I get a kiss from you every time we stop at a red light," That last sentence made Applejack laugh, It made Rainbow laugh also, Including some other people from the audience. (A/N: I'm sorry, It just seems funny to me) 

Applejack: "Today, I wanna make promises to you that I will always keep. I promise to never stop holding your hand, I promise to give you the love and support that you need, I promise to stand by your side while you face the world, I promise to join your laughter with my own and when you can't look on the bright side, I will sit with you in the dark. I promise to love, respect, protect, and trust you, and give you the best of myself, For I know that together we will build a life far better then then either of us could imagine alone. I love you, Always and Forever." (A/N: These vows weren't made by me either) Once again, The audience clapped. Rainbow had tears in her eyes, It actually made her cry. Not really surprising though, Those were some good vows. Rainbow and Applejack hugged each other, Rainbow started crying.

Pinkie Pie: "Do you guys know what I'm thinking?" Pinkie whispered to her friends, Her friends nodded. 

PP, FS, TS, R and SS: "Best couple ever!!" They whispered but yelled at the same time. Rainbow's mom heard them and just chuckled. 

"Aww, That's so cute." The mayor said,  The Mayor had said some other things that goes to this wedding (I don't really know them. Please forgive me!) 

"I know pronounce you, Wife and Wife. You may kiss." The Mayor said, Rainbow and Applejack smiled. They both shared a kiss. The Audience clapped. 

Pinkie Pie: "BEST! COUPLE! EVER!!!!" Pinkie shouted, Then Rarity slapped Pinkie on the back of her head.

Rarity: "Pinkie, Stop yelling!" Rarity scolded quietly. 

Pinkie Pie: "What? I was stating a fact." Pinkie said, Rarity rolled her eyes and smiled. Finally, Rainbow and Applejack broke their kiss. 

Rainbow Dash: "I love you, AJ."

Applejack: "I love you more, Rainbow Dash." Applejack said with a smile.

Rainbow and Applejack got married, Everything was amazing. Nothing or no one could or will stop them from being together. They were be together for the rest of their lives and also have their friends by their side forever. This is the conclusion of..

                                                                   "Love Of Tomorrow"

So guys that's the ACTUAL ending, I hope you guys enjoyed this story as much as I enjoyed making it. Thank you 1,000 views and Also Thank you for reading this and supporting this story! It's never unnoticed and it means a lot to me! :) 

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