Chapter 16: The Party.

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A/N: Yup, This is the final chapter...Sorry guys! I will miss this story, And I know some of you will too. But again, I wanna thank you guys for the support! You made the story possible! :) Alright, Enjoy the final chapter!

Today was the day we have the party to celebrate Appledash! Rainbow just did her normal routine. And Yes, Her parents were home. She went downstairs and her parents turned around and see their daughter in a white. (Imagine it the way you want the dress! Short, Medium, long, Etc.) They smiled.

Windy Whistles: "You Look Adorable, Honey!" She complemented, Rainbow blushed slightly.

Rainbow Dash: "Thanks Mom." She said with a smile.

Windy Whistles: "You're Welcome."

Bowhot hoof: "Alright Rainbow, Don't go to lovey dovey on her." Her dad teased with a chuckle, Rainbow blushed once more.

Rainbow Dash: "Alright Dad, I won't." Rainbow said with a slight giggle in her voice.

Bowhot Hoof: "Alright, If you say so.." He said, glaring at her playfully, Rainbow giggled.

Rainbow Dash: "Alright well, I'm gonna go to the party now. Applejack said that she was driving on her own so I guess she's probably already there." Rainbow said while keeping her smile. Her parents smiled back.

Windy Whistles: "Oh! I almost forgot!" Windy said, Rainbow raised a eyebrow. Windy gave Rainbow a box. She opened it, There she saw a neckless. It was a heart and inside it it said "Angel Of Mine" . Rainbow smiled. She closed the box then looked up at her mom.

Rainbow Dash: "Mom, Where did you get this from?" She asked, Rainbow's mom smiled.

Windy Whistles: "Well, I brought this like 4 years ago. I was saving it for you but You already have a bracelet that says "Angel Of Mine" So I just saved it just in case I needed it. And now i'm passing it to you since you have a girlfriend. She deserves it, Although I never met her actually. But hopefully I get to meet her soon. Well...We." Windy exclaimed, Rainbow nodded.

Rainbow Dash: "Thanks mom, I bet she'll love it." Rainbow said, Windy nodded.

Windy Whistles: "She Sure Will." And with that being said, Rainbow hugged her parents. She said bye to them and so did her parents. After that, She grabbed her keys and went out the door. She went inside her car and started it. Before she could drive off, she got a call from Pinkie.

Rainbow Dash: "Hey Pinkie, What's up?"

Pinkie Pie: "Hey Dashiee! Just wanted to know if you were on your way to my party. Not rushing or anything, I'm just wondering."

Rainbow Dash: "Well, I was just about to drive off. Is AJ there?"

Pinkie Pie: "Well Yeah, She arrived like 2 minutes ago. I can tell her you said Hi if you want."

Rainbow Dash: "Sure, You can. And Also, Tell her that I love her."

Pinkie Pie: "Aw, How Sweet! Okie, I'll tell her! Well I'ma let you drive! See you at the party!"

Rainbow Dash: "See ya, Pinkie!"

And with that being said, The call ended. Now Rainbow can drive off.


Meanwhile, At Pinkie's Party. There wasn't that much people, It was still kinda early. It was only a few of pinkie's other friends from School, Twilight, Rarity And Applejack. There was music playing though. Pinkie went away from the radio (She is the DJ) and went up to Applejack. She had just got off the phone with Rainbow Dash.

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