Chapter 14: The Rumor [PART 3]

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"I Still Can't Believe Rainbow really threw a rock at that girl, She definitely won that fight." Pinkie said.

"You can say that again, Pinkie." Sunset agreed. They sudden noticed that Applejack went to the table with them, They all gave her a worried look.

"Applejack? You alright there?" Fluttershy asked.

"I'm Fine, Girls. I just...don't know why my two friends were fighting." She said.

"Well, Look on the bright side Applejack! She did it for us!" Pinkie exclaimed. 

"Hold on, Ya'll. I need to talk to Adagio." She said.

"Why though?" Sunset asked, she was confused. Along with the other 5.

"I'm gonna ask her about the rumor that was spread across the school." She answered, Her friends then nodded. Before she left, she turned to Pinkie.

"Pinkie, I'm gonna need you for something. Come with me." She said, Pinkie nodded.

✩.・*:。≻───── ⋆♡⋆ ─────.•*:。✩

Applejack was finished telling Pinkie the plan, She went back in the lunch room and went up to Adagio.

Applejack: "Adagio..Can I talk to you? Alone?" Applejack asked, Adagio nodded.

Adagio: "Alright...Where are we going?" She asked. 

Applejack: "Outside." She said, Adagio nodded. The two teens went outside (The Backyard) . Once they were there, Applejack had told Pinkie to start doing what she was suppose to do. 

Applejack: "Okay..Adagio...Do you know...That rumor that someone spread...About my parents?" She asked, Hoping that she knew. She nodded, Not surprising, She's the one for gossip anyway.

Applejack: "Okay well...I wanna ask you something. And it has to do with the rumor." She said.

Adagio: "Okay? What is it?" Adagio asked confusingly and curiously, Applejack sighed.

Applejack: "Were you the one..Who lied about my parents..?" Applejack asked. Adagio looked surprised, She was surprised that Applejack had asked that question. She did say that she would tell on herself. So here it goes..

Adagio: "Well, I'll be honest...Yes." She admitted, Applejack eyes widen, There was horror written all on her face. She couldn't believe it...Her own friend spread a rumor about her parents? How could she?

Applejack: "But...Why..?" Applejack asked, Obviously lost for words. Adagio chuckled.

Adagio: "Well Applejack...I never liked you. I never wanted to be your friend. I was only your friend because I was jealous of you and I wanted to be your friend for popularity. You know what they always say...People bully you because they are jealous of you. Well, That's probably why some people were bullying you." Adagio said with a smirk, She honestly didn't care how Applejack felt. Applejack had tears in her eyes, Why would her 'friend' do this? This is just unbelievable to her.

Adagio: "I always thought I needed to...You know..Take your place. I knew that soon you would probably become popular, So I just decided to be your friend until I got tired of you." Adagio said, She then noticed that Applejack was upset, She giggled.

Adagio: "I honestly don't care how upset you are. As Long as I'm popular, I'll be fine. Now you can go on and date that..brat that you 'like' so much. Just don't bring her to me, I don't want anything to do with her." Adagio said, Applejack wiped her tears away and gave her a stern look. Before she said anything, she had gave Pinkie some sign to stop what she was doing. Then looked back at Adagio. 

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