Chapter 5: A Green Eyed Soul.

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It was Officially the weekend, Thank god. Rainbow got up and took a shower and brushed her teeth. Her parents were at work of course.  She made some Waffles for herself. Then While she was eating her waffles, She got a text from Pinkie.

Pinkie Pie: Hey Rainbow, Happy Saturday!!! I was wondering if you're free because I wanted to invite to come to the park with me!

She read the text and smiled and replied with:

Rainbow Dash: Sure, I'll come! I'm free today. See ya at 12:00?

Pinkie Pie: Yeah Sure, That'll work!

Rainbow Dash: Alright! See you soon!

Pinkie Pie: See youu!

Rainbow turned off her phone and threw her plate away, Then she had threw some clothes on so she can go to the park with Pinkie. She just sat in her room watching tv until it was 11:50. She had got up and put her coat and shoes on and then went outside. She walked to the park. Once she got there, She saw Pinkie on the bench.

Rainbow Dash: "Hey Pinkie!" Rainbow said happily.

Pinkie Pie: "Oh, Hey Rainbow!" She replied, They both hugged each other.

Pinkie Pie: "Sooo...You wanna play marco polo or hide and seek??" Pinkie asked, In her same energetic, Happy and Excited tone.

Rainbow Dash: "I guess Marco Polo?" I said, More like asked. She nodded excitedly.

Pinkie Pie: "Yay! Okay, I'll be it! Marco?" 

Rainbow Dash: "Polo!" Rainbow shouted. Pinkie and Rainbow were playing for a good 15 minutes. Until they heard someone shouting someone's name. 

"Winona? Winona! Where are you?" The person shouting, They both recognized the voice. Rainbow immediately blushed. 

Pinkie Pie: "Seems like someones Blushing..." Pinkie teased with a slight smirk on her face, Rainbow groaned playfully.

Rainbow Dash: "Okay...Not important. Let's see if we can find her dog, Sha'll we?"

Pinkie Pie: "Yup!" Pinkie replied with a smile. Suddenly they heard barking, It must be her dog. They followed the sound and as they walked, The barking got louder and louder. Until they opened a bush and seen a dog there.

Pinkie Pie: "We found it!!" Pinkie said excitedly and happily, Rainbow smiled at Pinkie. They both knelt down to the dog.

Rainbow Dash: "Hey...It's okay. We won't hurt you, Are you Winona?" She asked in a soft voice, Winona smiled and licked her cheek, Rainbow giggled.

Rainbow Dash: "I'm assuming that's a yes." Rainbow said, Keeping her smile. 

Pinkie Pie: "Come on, Winona! Your owner is looking for you!" Pinkie said. Winona Followed Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie. They were now looking for Applejack. Until they heard someone crying, they didn't recognize it but went to go see where it came from. It was Applejack, She had her head buried in her arms.

Pinkie Pie: "Aww...She's crying. Well luckily we found Winona! So now we could return her!" Pinkie said smiling, Rainbow smiled back. They went up to Applejack and Rainbow tapped her on the shoulder, Which caused Applejack to look up. When she seen it was Rainbow, She smiled.

Applejack: "Hey."

Rainbow Dash: "Hey, We found your dog." She said, Then Winona ran up to Applejack, Applejack gasped.

Applejack: "Winona!" She shouted and hugged her, Winona licked her face and Applejack giggled.

Applejack: "Don't ever run away like that again, You Scared me." She looked up at Rainbow Dash and smiled at her.

Applejack: "Thank you so much Rainbow, You too Pinkie." She said.

PP and RD: "No problem!" They said. 

Little did they know, Lighting Dust and Adagio was watching...

Lighting Dust: "Didn't we tell her not to talk to them??" Lighting Dust scolded, Adagio chuckled.

Adagio: "Yeah I know, But let her do her. She'll see what's coming, Just you wait...."

                                                                                            To be continued....

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