Chapter 3: Secret Heart.

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Rainbow got up and got ready for school, Same routine she has done ever since she started school. She started to think About Applejack. Did she really have a crush on her? Did Applejack feel the same way rainbow felt? Was Pinkie right about what she said yesterday? She shook her head to get the thoughts out of her head. She waited at the bus stop for the bus. Then, She had saw one of the girls from the popular group. Lighting Dust.

Lighting Dust: "Hello Rainbow Dash." Lighting Dust said with a slight smirk.

Rainbow Dash: "Um...Hi?" She said, A bit nervous about what she might do or say.

Lighting Dust: "So...You're on your way to school, Huh?" Lighting Dust asked.

Rainbow Dash: "Um...Yes..?" Lighting Dust rolled her eyes but still keeping her smirk. She walked closer to Rainbow and grabbed her by her shirt.

Lighting Dust: "You can stop thinking that you're cool, Because you're not. Nobody and I mean NOBODY likes you, No one will ever like you. Your just a little worthless piece of garbage that doesn't belong here. You will NEVER fit in so don't think you will, Not on my watch." Lighting Dust smirk got a little bigger than she dropped Rainbow on the floor harshly causing Rainbow to wince in pain. 

Lighting Dust: "See you at school, crash." Lighting Dust teased, Then she walked away. She slowly got back on her feet. And realized the bus was here. She grabbed her backpack and her phone and got on the bus. She greeted the bus driver then went to the back seat of course, When she saw Pinkie, She smiled.

Rainbow Dash: "Hey Pinkie!" Rainbow said with a slight smile, She was still hurt because of what happened before she got on the bus.

Pinkie Pie: "Hey Rainbow Dash! How's it going? Your stomach Okay? i remember what happened yesterday."

Rainbow Dash: "I'm good and my stomach is- Ouch!" Rainbow a bit of pain on her back. It felt like she had a small bruise there.

Pinkie Pie: "Rainbow, Are you okay?" Pinkie asked.

Rainbow Dash; "Y-Yeah...I'm fine. Just...My back was hurting a little bit, That's all!" Rainbow lied. Pinkie raised an eyebrow.

Pinkie Pie: "You sure?"

Rainbow Dash: "Yeah...I-I'm sure.." Rainbow said, Pinkie nodded. Rainbow turned to her right and she seen Applejack sitting right across from her, She was sitting alone. Rainbow blushed a bit.

Pinkie Pie: "I told you you had a crush on her." Pinkie whispered. Rainbow looked at Pinkie, eyes widen.

Rainbow Dash: "I don't!" Rainbow whispered.

Pinkie Pie: "I can't tellll!!!" Pinkie whispered, Rainbow was now getting annoyed by Pinkie's teasing.

Rainbow Dash: "Pinkie, stoppp! She's right across from us!"

Pinkie Pie: "You love her, You love her, You really really love her!"

Rainbow Dash: "Stopppp!!!" Rainbow said, continuing to whisper. 

Pinkie Pie: "Fine."


Applejack POV

I was on the bus, Just looking out the window. I was sitting alone so I pretty much had no one to talk to. Then something suddenly caught my eye, or should I say....Someone. It was Rainbow dash, The girl I met yesterday. For some reason, My cheeks were heating up a bit. Did I have a crush on her? No, I can't have a crush on her. She probably doesn't even feel the same way. Yes, I do like girls but I'm not sure if I like her. Soon, We both made eye contact. I smiled at her. 

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