Chapter 6: I Love Her.

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A/N: Before I start the story, I wanna thank everyone for the support! It's never unnoticed and thanks for adding this story to your reading list and thank you for the votes, It means a lot to me! And I also appreciate the comments! Alright, On to the story! 

Applejack was outside of the school writing in her notebook. When she was finished, She immediately thought of Rainbow Dash. Her cheeks heated at the thought of her, She still was unsure if she had a crush on her. She didn't wanna have a crush on her either, But then again...She was cute in her opinion. 

"Applejack?" Applejack jumped out of her thoughts because someone had called her name. She looked to her right, It was Twilight. Yes, She knew her. She had met her when her friends were bothering her.

Applejack: "Oh, Hey Twilight." She said with a smile.

Twilight: "Hey, What you thinking about?" Twilight asked curiously. Applejack's eyes widen, She immediately blushed.

Applejack: "Oh...I-It's not important." Applejack lied, Twilight smirked and sat next to Applejack.

Twilight: "I know your lying AJ, Your blushing. You have a crush on someone?" Twilight asked. Applejack hesitated for a bit. Like I said, She wasn't sure if She had a crush on her or not. Her and Twilight are just friends but Twilight seems to be trustworthy. 

Applejack: "Promise not to tell anyone?" She asked, Twilight nodded. Applejack took a deep breath before she answered. 

Applejack: "I'm not so sure if it's true but...I have a crush on someone.." Applejack admitted, Twilight smiled.

Twilight: "Oh, Really? Who? Do I know her?" Twilight asked.

Applejack: "Well...She's new here. So You don't really know her." Applejack replied, Twilight got into thoughts for a moment. Then she suddenly lid up.

Twilight: "Is it that Rainbow haired girl? Pinkie's Friend?" Twilight asked, Applejack nodded. Then her eyes widen.

Applejack: "Wait...How do You know her?" Applejack asked in shock, Twilight chuckled.

Twilight: "Well...She's in my science class. She was actually my partner for this Science Project we have to do. And I tell ya she's smart. Too smart for a person to hate science." Twilight said, Applejack smiled. That's one of the things she liked about her. 

Applejack: "Well, You ain't lying." She said with a smile, Twilight nodded.

Twilight: "Well...I can't really determine if you do have a crush on her or not, Cause I'm not Rarity. But I do wanna ask you, What do you feel when you're around her?" Twilight asked.

Applejack: "Well, When I'm around her...I-I guess I just feel butterflies in my stomach...And sometimes I may blush. And well...I just feel...Safe around her." Applejack exclaimed, Twilight got into thoughts. She looked at Applejack, She smiled and nodded.

Twilight: "Well all I can tell you is If you love her then hang on to that person you love, Your feelings for her will be permanent until you let them all out." Twilight told her, Still keeping her smile. Applejack let those words sink in. Then she looked at Twilight and nodded.

Applejack: "Thanks Twilight, I needed that advice." Applejack told her.

Twilight: "Your welcome, Just know that your feelings for her never fades." Twilight said in a gentle voice, Applejack smiled. Applejack thought about what Twilight said again.

"If you love her then hang on to that person you love, Your feelings for her will be permanent until you let them all out." 

Now Applejack has figured out why she felt this way. And where all of those feelings were coming from, So the conclusion was...

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