Chapter 13: The Rumor [PART 2]

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"Pinkie, Are you sure it's them. They are friends with Applejack after all. Is there any clues you have to support your statement?" Twilight asked.

"Well, No. But, Who else could've done it. We don't really have any other rude people here. So I figured it was them, They don't even treat Applejack like a real friend anyway. So, It was them. Well, As far as I probably know." Pinkie explained.

"Well...That's true. But I don't know about the 'not treating her like a friend' part though. But yeah, everything else you said is true." Twilight said, Everyone nodded in agreement.

Fluttershy: "So Um...Should we..ask them?" Fluttershy asked, Before anyone could respone the bell rung.

Twilight: "Maybe. Either that or we'll just find out ourselves. That would be more easier because you never know if they are lying or not if they tell us they didn't." Twilight said.

Rarity: "You're Right, Darling. But anyway, Let's get to class. We don't wanna be late." Rarity said, The girls nodded. And went to their respected classes.


It was now lunch time for the 9th graders. Rainbow, Pinkie, Twilight, fluttershy, Rarity and Sunset sat where they normally sit. Applejack was just getting her lunch, She was going to sit with Rainbow and her friends but she heard a familiar voice call her name.

Lighting Dust: "Applejack! Come sit with us." Lighting Dust called. She looked at her then her friends who were all shaking their heads 'no' . They didn't think it was safe for her to sit with them. But she had to choose, And fast. She didn't know who to choose. She loved her 6 friends and Lighting Dust and Adagio were her friends also. Who should she choose? 

Lighting Dust: "Applejack? You coming or not?"

Pinkie Pie: "Shut up, Lighting Dust! Let her take her time and let her choose where to sit. I doubt she'd sit you guys. You guys are a pain in the behind sometimes." Pinkie admitted, She didn't regret not one word she said. Then that's when Lighting Dust got out of her seat and slammed the table with her hand.

Lighting Dust: "What did you just say?" She said, growling. Now it was Pinkie's turn to do the same thing Lighting Dust just did. 

Pinkie Pie: "You Heard me. I said 'Shut up, let her take he time and let her choose where to sit. And I doubt she'd sit with you guys. You guys are a pain in the behind.' Did you hear that?" She snapped. 

Lighting Dust: "Oh, I know you're not getting smart with me, You weirdo!"

Pinkie Pie: "Pfft, I could care less what you do to me. I'm not scared of you." Pinkie said with an attitude. 

Lighting Dust: "Oh You will care once I come over there and punch you right in your face. Who new a weirdo could fight-" She was cut off when she heard someone else get up and slammed the table. This time, it was louder. So everyone in the lunch room heard it. 

"Talk about yourself before talking about my friends." She snapped, Lighting Dust's eyes widen, She couldn't believe that person said that to her.

Lighting Dust: "Excuse me? But I don't know who told you to jump into this conversation. This was between me and Pinkie. Not you."

Rainbow Dash: "Well, She's my Bestfriend. So there for, It is my business." She said.

Adagio: "I don't see how someone could be friends with you. As ugly as you is. An Nobody with a Weirdo? Heh, That doesn't sound right at all." Adagio jumped in. 

Lighting Dust: "And if you have a problem with me. It's gonna be me and you, Understand?"  Lighting Dust said, Rainbow moved from the lunch table and got in a middle of the floor. 

Rainbow Dash: "Wanna Fight?"

Lighting Dust: "Oh, Sis it's on."

"This is gonna be awesome!"

"I know right! A fight in the lunch room? Interesting." One of the people in the lunch room replied.

"Yup, The new girl versus the ghetto girl. I wonder who's gonna win."

Pinkie Pie: "It's About to be a fight, Ya'll!!"

Fluttershy: "Oh No, I can't watch.." Fluttershy said covering her eyes. 

The fight had started. Applejack was nervously and Confusingly watching her two friends fight. What should she do? She didn't know what to do at this point. Now it had just gotten worst. Lighting Dust had actually pulled Rainbow Hair harshly making her fall on the ground, Almost head first. Then In return, Rainbow had punched her in the face and grabbed her hair also. Lighting Dust managed to get out of rainbow's grip. Then she had pushed her, But she didn't fall. Rainbow had it. So without hesitating, She went to the door that led outside. She grabbed a rock, It was tiny. Then she went back into the lunch room.

Rainbow Dash: "Wanna mess with my friends, Then this is what you'll get in return." She mumbled, Then she threw the rock at her. Right at her face. And trust me, That rock hurt. That rock actually gave her a small bruise on the forehead. It may not be that big but it hurts. 

Sunset Shimmer: "Oooo! Now I know that hurt.." Sunset said. 


Pinkie Pie: "No She didn't just throw that rock at her!" Pinkie said. The Principal had surprisingly seen what she did.

P. Celestia: "Rainbow, Lighting Dust." She said strictly. Lighting Dust and Rainbow looked at her.

P. Celestia: "To My Office Now.."

                                                                                              To be continued...

I know this chapter didn't really talk about the rumor that much. But next chapter will, Hope you enjoyed it! :)

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