Chapter 15: Confession! ♥

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It was Saturday, Aka, Rainbow and Applejack's SECOND date. Rainbow planned a surprise for her, She knew how much she loved rollerskating, So she planned on scheduling a private skating ring for just the two of them. She got a got ready, Same routine. Nothing new. She wore a blue dress (Imagine whatever dress you want her to wear) . Because, Why not blue? She loves blue. She was done getting ready so she sat on her bed and texted Applejack.

Rainbow Dash: Hey Apples! Just to let you know, I'm ready. Let me know when your ready for me to pick you up. :)

And with that, She turned her phone off. She went to go feed tank real quick. After doing that, Her phone went off. Applejack texted her back.

Applejack: I'm Ready, too! You can pick me up whenever you want to. I'll be ready. :) 

Rainbow Dash smiled at the text. She turned her phone off and grabbed her phone keys, She also said bye to tank before she left out of the house. She got in her car and drove off. Then she arrived at Applejack's house 7 minutes later. She got out of her car and knocked on the door. The door opened by a blonde haired girl with a White Ruched bust solid dress, Rainbow thought she looked Beautiful in the dress. She adored her and the dress.

Applejack: "Hey Rainbow Dash!" Applejack said with a cute smile, That smile got Rainbow. She couldn't help it but blush. 

Rainbow Dash: "Hey Applejack, You look Beautiful." She said with a smile.

Applejack: "Thank you! You too!" Applejack said, Rainbow smiled.

Rainbow Dash: "Thank you."

Applejack: "You're Welcome, Now come on!" Applejack said, Grabbing Rainbow's arm. Rainbow giggled. They both got into the car and Rainbow droved off. It was quiet, But Applejack had some weird feeling about something.

Applejack: "Rainbow?"

Rainbow Dash: "Yeah?"

Applejack: "Are you planning a surprise for me? Just asking." She asked, Rainbow eyes widen in shock, She wasn't expecting that question. But she knew she had to lie, Applejack sometimes can get to curious. 

Rainbow Dash: "Well um...No?" She said, Applejack sensed that she was lying, But just nodded. Then finally, They arrived. (Look ya'll, Only reason why I do outside dates because I don't really like restaurants, It's just kinda extra to me. Hope you guys understand!) This time, It was a picnic! They were at a park, With a pond, With plenty of flowers. (Imagine the park the way you want!) The park was big, Also enough room on the grass and the park itself. Applejack was amazed by it. The park brings back memories from when she was a little kid. 

Applejack: "Wow! This is so amazing!" Applejack cheered, Rainbow chuckled. 

Rainbow Dash: "Well, It was for you. I'd do anything for you." Rainbow said with a smile, Applejack smiled back. Then Rainbow took her to where the picnic was. There stood all of their friends. Sunset, Twilight, Pinkie, Fluttershy and Rarity, That's the one with the huge grin. 

Rarity: "Eeeek!! This is so exciting!! I can't wait to see how this date goes!" Rarity squealed, Jumping up and down. Everybody looked at her with a playful look. Then she blushed in embarrassment.

Rarity: "Oh uh...Sorry.." Rarity said.

Pinkie Pie: "It's Okay, Rarity! I was like that too when Rainbow told me she had a-"

All: "Pinkie Pie!" Everyone shouted but Rainbow and Applejack. 

Applejack: "What was she about to say?" Applejack asked curiously.

Twilight: "Oh uh! Nothing! Um...You guys...Enjoy your date." Twilight said with a nervous chuckle. Applejack raised an eyebrow but she just shrugged and nodded. And with that, All of the friends left leaving Applejack and Rainbow alone. They both looked at each other. 

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