Chapter 4: I Think I Love Her.

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Rainbow is currently getting ready for school. She already took a shower, Brushed her teeth and hair, Ate breakfast. Now she's grabbing her back pack and her phone. Before she could leave out the door, She got a text from Pinkie.

Pinkie Pie: "Hey Rainbow. Just to let you know I won't be at school today. I have a little cold, I'm just telling you so you'll be aware. I'll see you tomorrow though!"

Rainbow read it and frowned. But then replied. 

Rainbow Dash: "Aw Okay, I hope you get better! See you tomorrow!"

Rainbow put her phone away and left out the house. She went to the bus stop as usual and she had unexpectedly bumped into someone. She seen who she bumped into, It was a Light Pink haired girl with Light Yellow skin. She looked shy in Rainbow's appearance. Then Again, She was shy. 

Rainbow Dash: "Oh...I'm sorry. Are you okay?" Rainbow asked, Light Yellow skinned girl meekly nodded.

"I-I'm sorry too...A-Are you okay?"

Rainbow Dash: "Yes, I'm fine." Rainbow said, Slowly getting up. She helped Fluttershy up and she picked up Fluttershy's stuff that had fell out of her hand and gave it to her

"Thank you." She said, Rainbow smiled. She was starting to like this girl.

Rainbow Dash: "Your Welcome, My names Rainbow Dash. what's your name?" Rainbow asked.

Fluttershy: "M-My names Fluttershy.." She said quietly, Rainbow smiled.

Rainbow Dash: "Nice name." she said.

Fluttershy: "Thank you."

Rainbow Dash: "Your Welcome." She said. Suddenly, The Popular girls had came. Fluttershy's eyes widen in fear.

Rainbow Dash: "You know them?" Rainbow asked.

Fluttershy: "Yes...Those are the popular girls from Canterlot High. And also known as the mean girls. Well...One of them has more sense than the other two, She's not rude to anyone. But the other two...They're rude to everybody." Fluttershy said with fear in her voice. Eventually the girls had reached the other two teens. They all smirked, Except for Applejack.

Adagio: "Oh Look who we have here. Two newbies of the school. Ha, Interesting." She said, Rainbow rolled her eyes.

Rainbow Dash: "What is up with you? Why are you keep bothering people?" Rainbow scolded, Lighting Dust chuckled.

Lighting Dust: "Cash, That's not a roast you know? It's a comment that you need to keep to yourself." Lighting Dust said.

Adagio: "Yeah...I'm afraid you should because...You know what we'll do." Adagio said, Rainbow looked down at the floor and sighed. Applejack was tired of them being rude to other people, So she just decided to say something.

Applejack: "Guys, Why are you being so rude them? They didn't do anything to us. Is there a reason why ya'll are doing this?" Applejack questioned, Adagio looked at her as if she was crazy. Then she sighed.

Adagio: "Applejack, I need to talk to you. Lighting Dust, Let's go. We don't got time for these losers." Adagio said, Walking away from Rainbow and Fluttershy. They went somewhere where no one could see them. Adagio glared at Applejack.

Adagio: "Look here Applejack, You may probably see something else in that new girl but just know that we will not be hanging out with that new girl. I've noticed you've been hanging out with her and I don't like it." Adagio said in a angry tone.

Applejack: "Adagio, You can not tell me who I can and can't hang out with. True, You guys are my friends but that doesn't mean you can determine rather I can hang out with certain people or not. That's not what friends do."

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