Chapter 12: The Rumor [PART 1]

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(A/N: Before this chapter begins, I wanna thank everyone for 46 votes on this story! (counting all chapters) . It means a lot to me that you guys love this story, There may be some chapters that I make in this where I feel weird but I still love making it. I appreciate the support you guys give me on this story, And I just wanna thank you for it! Alright, Let the chapter begin. Enjoy :) )

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It was Sunday, A Day We hate also. Because it's the last day before we go back to school. Rainbow was awake, She was just looking at the ceiling. Thinking. Just thinking about the date she had with Applejack yesterday. Should she confess now? Does Applejack feel the same way? I mean then again, She's the one who asked her out. But...Should they make it official? She was planning on confessing but she didn't think it was the right time...She didn't know why but that's how she felt. Then she finally decided to get up and make her some breakfast. She was in the mood to make some bacon and eggs. After she finished eating, She took a shower and wore some jeans and a white shirt. Nothing to fancy. Then she brushed her teeth, Brushed and combed her hair. She put a pair of white sneakers on, She was gonna walk to Pinkie's house. Yeah, She didn't tell her but they're bestfriends so she shouldn't really have to. She left out the house and walked to Pinkie's house. When she got there, She went up to the door and rung the door bell. The door was opened by a navy blue skined girl with light grey hair. It was her sister, Lime Stone.

Rainbow Dash: "Oh, Hey Lime Stone!" She said with a smile.

Lime Stone: "Hey, I guess you're looking for Pinkie. She's upstairs in her room." She said.

Rainbow Dash: "Alright, Thanks Lime Stone!" She said then ran upstairs before Lime Stone could tell her 'You're welcome' But she still ended up saying it. 

Lime Stone: "You're Welcome." She said, Not loud. She knew Rainbow couldn't hear her but she don't care.  

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Rainbow was now upstairs, She seen Pinkie was on her ipad. Rainbow decided to scare her, She tip toed in her room and then screamed.

Rainbow Dash: "ROAR!" She shouted, Pinkie screamed and jumped. Then when she saw Rainbow, She giggled.

Pinkie Pie: "Hi Dashie! What are you doing here?" Pinkie asked, Rainbow smiled.

Rainbow Dash: "Nothing, Just bored so I came to your house." Rainbow said, Pinkie's smile got a little bigger.

Pinkie Pie: "Okay! Well, What do you wanna do?" Pinkie asked.

Rainbow Dash: "I'm not sure, But I have to tell you something." Rainbow said.

Pinkie Pie: "Okay! What is it?" Pinkie asked eagerly, Rainbow sighed. 

Rainbow Dash: "Me and Applejack went on a date yesterday." She said, Pinkie gasped loudly.

Pinkie Pie: "REALLYYYY!?!!" Pinkie shouted, Rainbow chuckled. 

Rainbow Dash: "Yes, Really. It went pretty well." Rainbow said. 

Pinkie Pie: "I'M GLAD!!! SO, DID YOU CONFESS??! DID YOU?? DID YOU?? DID YOU???!" Pinkie said, still shouting. Rainbow shook her head.

Rainbow Dash: "No...I didn't confess." Rainbow said, Pinkie's smile got smaller a bit.

Pinkie Pie: "Why not?" Pinkie asked, Rainbow sighed.

Rainbow Dash: "I was scared, Pinkie. Scared of rejection. I didn't feel like that was the right time to confess, I just...*sigh* ..It just didn't feel right.." She said. Pinkie tapped her on the shoulder.

Pinkie Pie: "I know you're scared, Rainbow. I would've been, Too. But, I'm sure she likes you back. She went on a date with you so she has to like you back. I believe in you Rainbow, I know you could do this." Pinkie said calmly, Rainbow smiled a little.

Pinkie Pie: "Now Whenever you ready, Just confess. I'm sure she feels the same way." Pinkie said, Rainbow nodded.

Rainbow Dash: "Thanks Pinkie." Rainbow said, Pinkie smiled.

Pinkie Pie: "Don't mention it." 

✩.・*:。≻───── ⋆♡⋆ ─────.•*:。✩

1 month later...

It was Monday, Everyone was going back to school. When Rainbow was in her locker, She over heard some girls talking about someone. Applejack. She seen the popular girls, Applejack surprisingly wasn't with them. She figured she was probably late or something. Then she decided to go to the bathroom, Before stepping into the bathroom, She heard crying. Applejack was crying. Why was she crying? Rainbow just opened the door, Applejack was crying with her face buried in her arms. She walked up to Applejack and softly tapped her on the shoulder, She gave Applejack a worried look.

Rainbow Dash: "Applejack? What's wrong? Are you okay?" Rainbow asked in a concerned tone, Applejack hesitated for a minute. She was speechless at this point, She didn't know what to say to Rainbow. But eventually, She something.

Applejack: "I-....Someone spread a rumor about...and....It has to do with...M-My parents.." She said, Rainbow's eyes widen.

Rainbow Dash: "What did they say about your parents?" Rainbow asked. 

Applejack: "They said...My parents abandoned me....T-That's why I don't have parents when the truth is....My parents died." She said, She hugged Rainbow and started crying again. Rainbow hugged her back, Whoever did this is gonna pay for what they did. She wondered, Who did this to her? Why did they do this? How did they know about her parents to begin with? 

Rainbow Dash: "Applejack...It's okay..I'm right here. We'll figure out who did this, Okay?" Rainbow whispered in a soft tone. Applejack just nodded, Still hugging Rainbow Dash. She didn't wanna let go. Then unexpectedly, The door was opened. Rainbow looked back to see who it was, It was all of her friends. Twilight, Rarity, Sunset, Pinkie and Fluttershy. 

Twilight: "Guys, Are you okay?" Twilight asked, Walking up to the two teens.

Rainbow Dash: "I'm fine, But Applejack isn't. She said that someone had spread a rumor about her parents. They said that her parents had abandoned her, But the truth is.." Rainbow paused, She looked at Applejack.

Rainbow Dash: "Do you want me to tell them?" She whispered, Applejack nodded. Then finally stopped hugging Rainbow Dash.

Applejack: "Y-You can tell them, It's fine.." She said, Rainbow nodded.

Rainbow Dash: "The truth is....Her parents died. 8 years ago." Rainbow exclaimed, The girls eyes widen.

Fluttershy: "We're so sorry, Applejack." Fluttershy said.

Pinkie Pie: "Yeah...I don't think this was a good rumor at all. This is nothing to joke about." Pinkie said. Everyone nodded in agreement.

Fluttershy: "But...How are we gonna figure out who did it..?" Fluttershy said. 

Twilight: "I don't know-"

Pinkie Pie: "WAIT!" Pinkie shouted, Everyone looked at her.

Pinkie Pie: "Think I'm crazy all you want but I think it was....The Popular girls.."

                                                                                          To be continued...

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