Chapter 11: The Date.

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The Moment you guys (probably) been waiting for! They're finally dating! I don't know, It may be so weird to write for me since I never done a story like this before but I'm doing it for my own interest. Alright, Enjoy :)

Today was the day, Rainbow and Applejack were going on a date! She was excited but also nervous for some odd reason. Maybe because she never been on a date before? Probably. She got up and took a shower, brushed her teeth, Brushed her hair. Her outfit was a blue bodycon tube dress. She made some food for herself, Her parents don't know where she's going but don't worry, They know she's a lesbian but she'll tell them about her day later. She made herself some cereal. After eating that she went back upstairs to her room then she grabbed a golden necklace with a butterfly on it and she put it on. It was only 12:45pm, She still had time.


Meanwhile with Applejack, Applejack wore a Solid Drawsting dress (If that's the right name) . She was done getting ready. She then texted Rainbow.

Applejack: Hey Rainbow! Ya Ready?

Rainbow Dash: Yeah, I am! What time are you picking me up?

Applejack: 1:15. Since it starts at 1:30 I'll just pick you 15 minutes early.

Rainbow Dash: Okay! Sounds good.

"Ouuu! Looks like someone's going on a date!" She heard a someone say, Nobody but her little sister. She blushed.

Applejack: "What? Who told you that?" She said, Then she heard a chuckle.

Granny: "I told her, She was soo eager to know what me and you were talking about the other day. So today, I told her that you were going on a date." Her grandmother said with a smile.

Applebloom: "Hehe, Yup! And Also, Is it that girl you told me about the other day? And her name was Rainbow Dash?" Applebloom asked, Applejack nodded. Applejack checked the time, It was 1:12. She decided to go pick her up now.

Applejack: "Alright well I'ma go now, She's probably waiting for me."

Applebloom: "Applejaack, Can I come??" Applebloom asked, Applejack shook her head.

Applejack: "No can do, Sugarcube. Not for ya, Sorry." Applejack said with a smirk.

Applebloom: "I wanna be a lesbian!!!!" Applebloom whined before walking out of her sister's room. Granny and Applejack giggled.

Granny: "Alright Applejack, Hope you enjoy your date." Granny said with a wink.

Granny: "They'll be together soon." Pear butter whispered to herself.

Applejack: "What was that granny?"

Granny: "Oh, Nothing." Granny said while giggling. Applejack raised an eyebrow, She ain't stupid. She know her grandma said something but she just put it to the side, She didn't think it was important. She got in her car and drove off. Luckily, Rainbow's house wasn't that far. So she got there at like 1:15, Right on time. She got out of her car and knocked on the door. The door was opened by a cyan skined girl with Rainbow hair with a blue dress. Applejack thought she looked amazing. No, Scratch that. Not Amazing, Gorgeous.

Rainbow Dash: "Hey Applejack, You look pretty." Rainbow said with a grin, Applejack blushed and smiled.

Applejack: "Thanks, Sugarcube. You look Beautiful." Applejack said, Rainbow blushed. She didn't see herself in that way but she took the complement.

Rainbow Dash: "Thanks."

Applejack: "You're Welcome. Okay, Let's go.


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