Chapter 2: Love at first sight.

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(A/N: Yes, Applejack and Rainbow will meet each other in this chapter. But, Not right away. It's just Pinkiedash for the next couple of minutes. (Don't worry guys, It's just bestfriend edition when I said that it would be Pinkiedash at first) So, Sorry if it gets boring. Just telling you now. Anyways, Enjoy the story!)

Rainbow woke up to hear a alarm clock going off. She groaned and slowly sat up and turned it off. She looked at her phone and realized what today was.

Rainbow Dash: "It's The first day of school!" She shouted quietly.

Rainbow grabbed her clothes she picked out for school yesterday and went to the bathroom to take a shower. After that, She put on her clothes and then went downstairs to make herself breakfast. While eating breakfast, She was still thinking about what her new school would be like. She was real curious. After she finished her breakfast, She went to get her book bag, Her phone and her coat. She said bye to tank then left the house and went to the bus stop. She patiently waited for the bus, She just went on her phone while she waited. 5 minutes later, The bus was here. Rainbow smiled. She went on the bus and sat all the way in the back of the bus. Why? Because it's just her thing, She liked sitting in the back of the bus. But she was sitting next to a pink curly haired girl. The pink haired girl noticed someone was sitting next to her, So she decided to just say hi.

"Hi!" She said with a friendly smile, Rainbow turned to see that the person she was sitting next to was talking to her.

Rainbow Dash: "Oh Hey!" She said with a warm smile.

"How are you?"

Rainbow Dash: "I'm good, Thanks for asking. How about you?" Rainbow asked.

"I'm good! Thanks!"

Rainbow Dash: "No prob!" It was silent between the two now. The only thing was heard was the bus engine and some students talking to their friends using their indoor voice. Then, One of them decided to speak up.

"Soo...What's your name?" The girl with pink curly hair asked. Rainbow looked back at her and smiled.

Rainbow Dash: "My name is Rainbow Dash. What's yours?"

Pinkie Pie: "I'm Pinkie Pie!" She replied, Rainbow nodded, Still smiling. 

Pinkie Pie: "Are you new here?? Do you have any friends?" Pinkie asked, Rainbow shook her head.

Rainbow Dash: "No, I don't have any friends. And yes, I'm new here." She replied.

Pinkie Pie: "Oh okay. Just wondering. Because I don't have friends either. People think I'm a weirdo." Pinkie said as her smile turned into a slight and sad smile. Rainbow tapped her on the shoulder.

Rainbow Dash: "I don't think your weird." Rainbow said, Pinkie looked at her, eyes wide.

Pinkie Pie: "You don't?" Pinkie asked in shock, Rainbow shook her head.

Rainbow Dash: "No. In fact, I think your pretty cool! Your really nice." Rainbow said with a caring smile, Pinkie smiled back.

Pinkie Pie: "Thanks...Finally someone thinks I'm not weird." Pinkie said.

Rainbow Dash: "Your welcome." Rainbow Dash said, Then they both went silent again. Maybe the first day of school wasn't gonna be so bad. Just then, The bus had stopped. They were at the school.

Rainbow Dash: "Well, Looks like we're at the school." Rainbow said.

Pinkie Pie: "Wanna walk together?" Pinkie asked, Rainbow nodded. They both got off the bus and walked inside the school. They went to principal Celestia's office. 

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