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" oh my lord, that was one of the best night rest I have had in years!" Dean said a bit to loud for Sam ears to handle that early in the morning. Sam just smiled and looked at his brother before sticking his nose back into the computer. At this point Cas had started to look at some magazines on the bed side table. His eyebrows can together as he started to read an article about flowers. Dean sat in the silence, and it was pleasant not weird or uncomfortable just pleasant.

After ten minutes the boys start on their way to the police station. Sam thought it's was a good idea to walk and take in the city. Dean wanted to drive, but Sam convinced him not to. As the three of them walk Cas seemed distracted by all the noise and people. Even though he was a celestial being, the tall buildings and blaring honks of cars was overwhelming.  Dean had taken notice of Cas pick at his jacket and patted him on the shoulder to comfort.
The sky was a rich blue and it was spread and stretched above the towering structures where people sat in offices typing, ignoring the beauty.
The people were the most interesting. All different colors and clothes, everyone was in their own world. Cas thought how interesting it was that ever person that walk by and bumped his shoulder had their own little jobs to accomplish and get done, and this calmed him down.

They arrived at the station "hello, I'm agent Smith and these are my partners agents Murdock and Nash." Dean said as the slashed their badges. Cas's was of course upside down like it always was. "hm, why are the FBI here to investigate one murder" the officer said confused. "we just happened to be in town." Sam answered. The police man just shrugged and lead to the body.

They read over the files and paper work. There were clear signs of a vampire, but they don't know how they got in the apartment. They were stuck until Sam found something. "hey, guys look at this. The victim, his ex-girlfriend was killed in a car crash just two weeks before the murder." "so what are you saying are we dealing with a ghost vampire"Dean asked kind of excited think he discovered another species of monster. "no dean that's impossible, when monsters are reaped they are not given the choice to stay, they are sent straight to purgatory." Cas added. "killjoy" Dean whispered. Cas just looked at him confused and bit hurt. "I'm just trying to help with the hunt Dean."Castiel said looking down at his hands that played with the cuffs of his coat. This made Dean feel a bit bad. Sam just stood there awkwardly "I'm going to take a shower" Sam said and almost ran into the bathroom.

"Cas, I'm sorry I was being sarcastic" "it's okay Dean you are right I ruin everything." His blue eyes filling to the brim with sadness. If angles could cry he would. He would let out all the pressure and responsibilities roll out of him with all his tears. But angles don't cry. Dean looked into the angles and saw this. " that's not true Cas, your the one who raise me from perdition, your the one who saves me and Sammy when we can't save eachother. All I'm trying to say is we need you, okay. Don't you ever think any different!" Dean said to his hurt and tired friend. "thank you dean" Cas responded. "hey Cas can angles sleep?" "technology yes but we don't need to. I bet I could if I tried. Why?" Cas responded. "I don't know just curious. Have you tried before?" Dean said "no I never really had the time."Cas replied "you should try it Cas, it might help with the stress". Castiel felt a small tugging in his chest When dean spoke to him. He wasn't sure if he liked it or not but, he liked the dean part or it.

Sam step out of the shower and look into the mirror. The glass was steaming, watched two drops of water started to roll down the glass, picking up speed and water as it moved down. He changed Into fresh clothes and stepped out of the bathroom. At this point Cas and dean split up. Dean was on the bed listening to music, and cas on the couch again.
What am I going to with you two? He thought and sat on his bed to read his book.

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