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Heavenly Father, I am losing hope

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Heavenly Father, I am losing hope. My cancer is not getting any better. Please I am a good person, I pray every night, I go to church. I -I don't understand why, why me? Please father save me.

A man sat in a church kneeling down in the back of the room.

"Hello Matthew, do you mind if I call you Matty? Well Matty I see you in a sticky situation." Matthew  watched the stranger walk towards him. "Who are you?" Matt asked. "Well Im here to save you. Call me Haniel." Haniel said jazzily. "How-how are you going to help me?"

"A miracle of course, I am angel after all." Haniel said. "that's impossible" Matthew stood up. Haniel rolled his eyes. "See this is the problem with you apes, you say you have faith, but when god answers your prayers you say it's "impossible". Haniel laughed. "But anyway I am here to hand out some free miracles" Haniel pulled out his angel blade and stabbed Matthew through the chest, blasting a bright light through the church. And carved a symbol into his stomach.

"You have been saved"


It had been about 2 weeks since Cas had left dean, and you could tell. Dean looked rough, yes he had Sam, but Sam couldn't comfort Dean like Cas could. The only thing that could bring back the old dean were cases so, Sam kept them coming they went from one case straight to another. Sam was getting tired, and needed a break.

"Hey Sammy, I think I found a case." Sam looked at dean like he was crazy. "Dean no, we have been working nonstop for like 2 weeks. I need a break." Sam snapped. "Alright grumpy, I'll just do it myself."
"Dean I don't think that's a good idea, you need a break to your gonna get hurt." Sam said. "I'll be fine Sammy." Sam nodded. " fine but tell me about the case before you leave." Sam said.

"In Missouri, a Matthew Schiller was found slabbed in a church." Sam looked at dean funny. "Are you sure that wasn't a simple murder?" Sam asked. "No, see a symbol was carved into his chest." Dean slide Sam a photo. (Photo at the top)

Sam looked at the photo curiously. " I've never seen anything like this before. What else?" Sam asked. "well a bystander says they saw a bright flash of light come from the church. Interesting right?" Dean said.

Sam definitely was interested. "You know I might come with you this seem important." Dean smiled, started the car, and put the Petal to the metal.


Things in heaven were starting to look better. About half the angels left to live among humans, while the other half stayed in heaven and continued their holy duties. None of the angels seemed to have a problem with the way things were being run, which was very surprising, considering how different it was than the way it was run before.

Things were almost too good. But Castiel did nothing about it, because the fact that the "word" good was even associated with heaven was amazing.

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