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They arrived in old Lyme Connecticut, a town fill with old, white, Rich people.....great :|

The place they stayed in this time was an old barn looking place called Stanford's inn. The building was beautiful, inside rich golden wood beams stretched across the ceiling and the walls were a very clean white. The floors were also wood and you could feel it shift under your feet. "Hello, we would like to get 2 one bed rooms please." Sam said smirking looking back at his brother who was unloading the car.

The man at the front desk handed Sam the keys. Dean and Castiel walked into the inn, taking in the old dusty smell. "here you go, I got two rooms. If you don't t mind sharing a room with Cas." Sam said holding in a smile. "it's fine Sammy" dean said.

Sam room was a few doors down, just in case Dean and cas did something. He didn't want to hear it. He was so happy his plan was working that he nearly skipped to his room.

Dean opened the door and stood in shock. Really Sam dean thought. He entered the room and placed his things on the bed, Cas not to far behind. "God damm it there's only one bed." Dean said. "Dean I don't need sleep, remember." Cas said. "oh yeah." Dean laughed.

Castiel sat on the couch the room was pleasant and cozy, Cas liked it. "well it's getting late, I'm gonna head to bed" dean said yawning and stretching his arms up, exposing a sliver of his lower stomach. Cas shivered at the sight and looked down fidgeting.

"you alright Cas?" Castiel tensed up at the question. He cleared his throat " uh yeah I'm-I'm fine." Cas said. "Okay then" dean said sarcastically.

Dean flopped onto the the bed. "Night Cas" dean said his face smushed into the bed. "Good night Dean."

Castiel exhaled and loosened his tie.

Sam stayed up researching the case and listened to a podcast about the Aztec's. No one new this but if Sams career as a lawyer failed, his back up was history.

He read over the case file, he knew that this was a cursed object situation. The girl had on her running sneakers that her mother gave her, she ran herself to death.

Cursed objects had to be one of the most annoying things to deal with, especially if there is more than one. They can't really be destroyed so you had to
Barry then and hope no one finds them.

Castiel sat and watched the gorgeous man who was sleeping with his body spread across the whole bed and snoring. He walked over to were dean wasn't sprawled on the bed and sat.

Cas was scared of himself, he didn't know what was happening. So much was going on, heaven, deans fears and anxiety, and most of all the fact that Cas might be experiencing emotions. He did know enough about them to know what they were, only that he like some and hated others.

Dean had nightmares almost every night, when dean got restless and whispered Castiel name painfully he was there to soothe him. Castiel needed soothing himself, but would never admit it.

Castiel lighting pushed the hair out of deans face, to reveal his gently closed eyes. His eyelashes were so long and thick. Dean shifted a bit, making Castiel stand up quickly.

Dean opened his eyes. "Cas what the hell are you doing"dean was tired and grumpy. "I was uh...uh"Cas fumbled for an expansion. "Man, you got to stop watching people in their sleep. It's just creepy." Dean said. "Um sorry".

Castiel turned around. "Hey, you alright man?"Dean asked. "Yeah, um I'm uh" Cas' heart beater fast. "Actually, no. Lately I've been starting to experience somethings. And it's scaring me Dean."Cas said shakily. "What is it?" Dean sat up In the dark room, blinking his eyes to wake up.

Dean patted a spot on the bed next to him, Castiel sat. "that's the problem dean I don't know. I'm feeling.... things, a lot of things, and I don't know...what." Cas looked down at his hand that picked at his sleeve. "I don't know what to do. The angels need me to be strong, I can't do that while I'm distracted." Cas said.

Dean didn't know what to say, I'm mean what would you say to your best friend angel who is overwhelmed by leading heaven.

"Cas, what are you feeling? Describe it to me." Dean said. "Well, when I think about heaven my whole body tenses up and my breath gets heavy." Cas said "that's anxiety, or stress" dean informed Cas. Castiel kept going. "When I'm with you and Sam, I feel light and I smile a lot. I reckon that's happiness." Dean nodded. "and when I'm with—." Cas stopped. "what Cas." Dean questioned. "It's nothing" Cas said.

Dean caught Castiels eyes in his and stared at him, wanting him to keep talking. "I'm scared Dean." Cas looked at dean you could see the fear. "Cas, it okay. You just got to get things squared away in heaven. If you need you can go to heaven. Okay. I will be fine here." Dean said. Dean placed a hand in Castiel's shoulder and smiled. "Are you sure?" Cas said. "Yep, this something you need to deal with."Dean said reassuringly. "Thank you dean" and with that Castiel was gone.

The room felt so cold without Cas there, and dean would not be able to fall back to sleep that night.

Dean felt a hint of disappointment wash over him. When ever Sam couldn't work a case he didn't feel like this. So why did he feel it with Cas? It could be.... no! It couldn't be, dean was straight. Right?

'I hate emotions' dean thought.


Knock. Knock. Knock. "Dean you alive?" Sam call from behind the door. "Whaaat..." dean said like a child. "Dean we got to work on the Case. Open the door." Dean stood up and let Sam in. Sam walked in
and looked at dean confused. " where's Cas?" Sam asked.  "oh yeah, he had to deal with some heaven business, I don't think he will be back for some time."

Damm it Sam thought. Come on why do my plan never work.

"Oh alright, I guess we can do this ourselves. It shouldn't be too bad." Sam said disappointed. "Well what have you got?" Dean said. "I pretty surety that we are dealing with cursed objects. So we should start with the mother, because that's where she got the shoes."

They arrived at an old farm house, it was small and white, with accents of a light lavender. Dean knocked on the door. A petite lady answered. She looked as if she was crying for the past week.

"Hello Mrs. Lamb, this is my partner agent Miller and I'm agent Johnson. We have some questions about your daughter if you don't mind."Sam said softly. "of course" she stepped to the side and show them in.

"Can I get you anything to drink agents?"she wiped her nose with a napkin. "No thank you" dean said.

"So, can you tell us anything about your daughter."
"Well she- she was the most gentle and kind person you could ever know. My baby, she had a marathon in a few weeks, and she was just so excited." Mrs. lamb began to cry again.

"Mam, we understand you bought her new shoes for the marathon. Do you mind if we take them?"Dean said. "oh of course, let me grab them." She stood and walked over to the closet and pulled out a pair of running shoes. When she picked them up it was almost like they were garbage. She held the as far away from her as possible.

"Thank you, did you notice if she changed at all, In The past few days." Sam asked "no, not at all. If anything she was happier."

"Alright Mrs. lamb, thank you. If you need anything you give us a call" dean handed her their card. They lefted the house.

"somethings up with her I can feel it." Dean said walking down the stairs of the front porch. "What do you think that she did it? I mean she seemed a bit to hurt do be the murder." Sam squinted at dean. "I don't know but she is involved." Dean said opening and stepping into the car.

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