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"Please brothers and sisters, you must understand, you are free. Go do what you please!" Castiel stood in a large room filled with angles. The room was large and bright. It was filled with pillars and windows that looked out to more white.

Castiel was standing I front of a podium, try to explain the plan for heaven in the future. "I believe it would be best if we find our peace with humans and live among them. But you get to decide, you could live In Heaven or be free." Castiel said wisely.

"How do we start?" An angel asked "how ever you like, that's the beauty of freedom. You could get a family, travel the world, help people In need, what ever you want." Cas answered, although none of the angels seemed happy with that answer.

"Well thank you all for coming to this meeting, and you can continue with you duty's. If you need assignments or I have questions you know where to find me."


"How about some lunch?"Dean asked. "Uh yeah sure." Dean Called for some pizza once they got back to the inn.

Sam was wondering how to gauge his questions about deans panic attacks without him completely blocking Sam out.

"Hey dean?" Sam asked cautiously. "Yeah sammy." Dean was shoving pizza into his mouth. "Are you alright?" Sam asked. "Yeah Sam, why would you think I'm not?" Dean answer a little bit annoyed. "Well, lately you been stressed out and you really aren't doing a good job of hiding it." Sam said.
"Sam, do we really need to talk about this right now." Dean said now getting angry. "Yes Dean. You can't just hide you emotions your gonna kill your self, it's not healthy, trust me."sam was slightly irritated. "Sammy please not-not now, I'm fine. Can we please just work on the case?" Dean was trying to hide the shakiness in his voice, but wasn't doing a very good job at it.

Sam rolled his eyes, and went for the door. "Wait Sam where are you going!?" Dean now sounded desperate. "I'm working the case, the girls shoes are in the car." Sam walked out of the room.

This gave Dean a minute to calm down. He sat on the bed, and tried to steady his breathing. He focused hard, closing his eyes and thought of Castiel. His heart rate slowed down, and he stood up just in Time for Sam to walk backing the room with the shoes.

Sam quietly examined on of the shoes, a tense and sticky silence suffused the room. "Are you just going to sit there, or help with the case?" Sam asked sarcastically. Dean looked up at Sam quickly and stubbled to his feet. "Uh yeah sorry" Sam rolled his eyes

Dean snatched one of the shoes and began searching for any supernatural signs or symbols. By the end of the night they had basically pulled the shoes apart. "Dean! I think I found something" Sam waved dean over. Dean tiredly made his way over to Sam. "Look at this." Under the soul of the shoe, a small symbol was burned into it. "What the hell" dean squinted at the symbol.


"Castiel?" The angel Haniel spoke. "Hello, how can I help you?" Castiel asked looking away from the paper he held. "Well I have some questions." Haniel closed the door, and stepped towards Cas. "What is it?" Cas questioned. "I was assigned to go to earth and creat miracles, and I do not understand." Haniel smirked. "Well....you could do things like cure a human of sickness, If that helps." Cas stepped away from his desk. "Of course I understand, I'll get to it then." Cas watched as the angel lefted the room slowly.

"What did he say Haniel?" And angel asked, waiting outside the door. " he wants us to help the hairless apes".

"Well what are we waiting for let's "help" them." Haniel smirked and walked away.

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