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~~~Hello author here I made misha Collin and Jensen ackles on the website picrew! Here is the miiish!~~~

"What the hell"dean said squinting at the symbol. "What does it mean Sam?" . " I do t know but I will do some research." Sam said. "Great, I'm Gambian take a shower."

While dean took a shower, Sam researched the symbol. Sam stumbled upon the mark he learned that it represents strength and speed.

Dean stepped out of the bathroom in sweats and a t-shirt. "So get this, the symbol is pagan for strength and and speed." Sam said. "Well that explains the jogging to death." Dean replied sarcastically. "Yep now we just got to figure out how it got there." Sam closed his laptop. "well I say we speak to Mrs. Lamb again." They left the lit motel.


"Hello we are sorry to disturb you, but we have some follow up questions." Dean said. "Alright" she let the in. Sam pulled up the shoe " we found a symbol on this shoe, and we are wondering how it got there, and if it has any meaning to you." Sam asked. "I- uh...no, it's not important." She stuttered. She stared at it with horror and did not blink once. "Now, I think we both know that's a lie." Dean said a bit too harsh. "See, me and my partner here did some research. It a symbol used in witch craft, if ten used to boost speed." Dean looked at her and raised his eyebrows. She gulped, and tears welled up in her eyes.

"I-I don't-." She was cut off by Sam. " I don't think lying will help you here so tell us what you did."

She took a breath. "My daughter, she um she never really did well when it came to running. But she loved it. I wanted to help her a bit so I did some research. I found a book on witchcraft, and well I found that symbol." She held in tears. "But I never meant to kill or hurt my baby...all- all I wanted was for her to be happy." Mrs. Lamb sobbed.

Dean and Sam looked at each other. There was nothing they could do was tell her not to use witch crafted, not much of a case but they did burn the book.

It was a nice change of pace, not having to kill someone or something. It was just 2 lessons learned. One is cheating never works and, and the other is stay the hell away from witchcraft, and they were learned in the most harsh and nightmarish why possible.

They left her house, and got in the car. "Wow... that was different." Dean said look long out the window.
"Yeah it's crazy what people will do to help there loved one." Sam looked at dean with a bitch face. "Sammy...."

"Dean no! You need help okay, and not just from Cas." Sam said sternly. Dean looked down and shook his head. "It's just-." He closed his eyes and exhaled. " I still hear them sammy. Their screams and...and I still feel their blood drip down my body." Dean paused and his hands twitched. Dean laughed "what I went through compared to you is nothing, and I can barely hold my self together even after 3 years."

Sam looked at dean humanly. "Dean, what I went through doesn't have anything to do with what you did, sure I went to hell but your not me and I'm not you. Trust me I went through the same thing and I still do, but right now you need help, and I will always be here to help." Sam put his hand on deans shoulder and nodded. Dean nodded back tears eyes.

"Alright sammy."

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