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Are.......you........ fucking KIDING ME!!!! Ever single fucking time I think my plan will work well it blows up in My face! I'm honestly going to give up soon. All I want is a fucking break! But nooOOOOoooo, I had to be pulled into more angel shit. Just great.

Well at least we got to see Cas for a while. When dean bought that box of macrons I think my heart exploded. Not only were they macrons, they were floral flavored, Castiel's favorite. And the look on deans face when I told him Cas was gone again, it was enough to make me throw up.

It's honestly amazing how deans face lights up when Castiel is around. It been years since I felt or saw any connection like that. It was with Jess....God I miss Jess. Her smile, he words of encouragement, her energy, everything. She just made he so happy. I would give anything to feel her again, I don't even need to see her, Just feeling her presence would be enough. I don't want my brother to die without feeling that....love. He needs it. Everyone does.

All his life he was told to hide his emotions. One speck of vulnerability, and he was scolded at for being "weak" and a "pussy" by are father. Years of that philosophy being beat into leaves you with a permanent scar carved into your brain. That's why I was so surprised to see him open up with Cas, and that's how I know Cas is deans "one".

I know Dean isn't being completely honest with me the anniversary of hell is coming soon, and around this time of year things get rough for him, and he's already having a hard time. This angel crap is not helping one bit.

I need my brother I love him. Now he just needs to let himself love other, and himself.

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