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"Hello father lenten, I am agent Reid and this is my partner agent page. We have some questions about Matthew. Is it true that you found him?" Dean said. " yes I did find him," he let out a breath. "Right here on the floor. His arms were out like the cross."

Sam and Dean looked at each other. "Was Matthew acting straight lately?" Sam asked. "Yes, but he did have terminal cancer. He only had a few months left." Father looked down and the floor. "Matthew was a good man, he had such good faith." Father added. "We are sorry for you loss father. If you think of anything important, just give us a call."

They made their way over to a nun who had seen the bright light from out side the church. "How are you sister?" Sam asked her. " I'm alright thank you." She replied. "Can you describe the light you saw please?" She began to describe. "well, it was incredibly bright, blinding really. It only lasted about 5 seconds. Me and father came running in to see and—." She paused. "And we-we found Matthew just there." She let out a shaky breath. "Thank you sister."

After the church they went to visit the body. Matthew was stabbed once, right in the center of his stomach. The mark was neatly scratched into his chest. "Sammy do you know what this symbol is?" Dean examined the body closely. "No I've never seen anything damm like this. I'll have to do some research."Sam said. "Great that'll give me some time to shower." Dean snapped


Warm gentle water ran down his body, While it was soothing, it wasn't enough to keep hell away. This time of year was the worst. It was nearing the anniversary of the day he was put through a paper shredder and sent to hell. His mental state was already screwy, and it would only get worse due to the time of year.

He tilted his head back and let the warm water hit him. With closed eyes, He wiped his face with his hands, dragging them back into his hair, his mouth slightly open. The water felt thick, as it soaked him. It felt as if it was trying to push him down. When it hit his bare skin it almost globed up and rolled off him. Water ran into his mouth, the water tasted like metal. He slowly opened his eyes to red. Blood poured from the shower head, drowning him.

"Oh— god.." dean struggled to get out and tooked a horrified step back. He slipped and landed hard on the shower floor. Shrieking souls engulfed him, he shook furiously.

"Dean you alright!?" Sam yelled casually from his computer. Thankfully it was enough to pull dean from his petrified state. Dean blinked his eyes a few times, the blood turned back to water, And the screams weakened. "yea-yeah Sammy!" Dean shouted out. Holy shit dean thought. He had panic attacks sure, but hallucinations, he never experienced that. He turned off the water quickly and stepped out of the shower still shaky. He changed into jeans and a grey shirt, trying to ignore the horror

He slowly walked out of the bathroom and closed the door careful, containing the events that just went down hind brain in the bathroom. "You alright dean?" Sam asked. "Yep," Dean replied tightly. "I just slipped in the shower" he laughed nervously.

"So... you got anything on that mark?" Dean broke the silence. "Uh no, I got nothing. I just texted Bobby, and he got nothing either." Sam was slightly annoyed at not finding answers. "I know he's busy, but I think we should call Cas." Sam suggested, looking at dean. "Dude why's it always got to be me who makes the call?" Dean rolled his eyes, then closed them. "Cas man, I uh I know you busy but, me and Sammy need your help on a case." Dean prayed. The room was silently for a bit and dean peaked one eye open waiting for that familiar flutter of wings. But both happened. "Well, I guess we are on our own." Dean said snarky.

Sam continued his research, desperate to find anything about this freakin symbol. Dean struggled to eat his burger, with what just happened, he felt like he was going to throw up at any moment, one sudden moment and he will puke up his soul. "I think I'm gonna turn off the lights." Dean lightly through his barely eaten-burger onto the paper rapping, and climbed into bed. Sam soon follow

2 am-

Swoosh. A slightly breeze drifted through the room. Cas stood at the foot of deans bed staring at the sleeping man. Dean squirmed a little and woke up. "AH!.... Jesus Cas. Don't do that."dean whispered. "my apologies Dean. You called?" Cas said. "Yeah I did, like 4 hours ago." Dean said sarcastically. "Yes I know Dean. I was in the middle of something." Cas said. "It's alright, your here now."

"What's going on?" Sam sat up and rubbed his eyes. "Cas!" Sam said. "It's good to see you man" Sam smiled. "It's good to se you too. So what did you need help with?"

Sam opened his laptop they wait impatiently as the photo loaded. Castiel's eyes widened, as he realized. "its Enochian, it mean awakening." Castiel's tone was serious and tight. "Enochian? So this is an angel?" Sam asked. "where is the body?" Castiel stared Intensely at the brothers. "The station, why?" Dean asked. Before he could get a response Cas was gone, but soon returned. He paced through the room. "Cas! What is it" dean asked worried.

"How did this happen, I keep close tabs on all the angles on earth. And the angels in heaven th-." Cas ranted but was cut off by dean placing a hand on his shoulder. "Cas what is wrong?" "The-the stab wound was causing by an angel blade. How could I let this happen under my watch." Castiel kept ranting and was beginning to panic. "Cas. Cas! Man calm down." Castiel looked into deans eyes. "we can continue tomorrow I think we are all tired so let's all just calm down and get some rest." Dean said to the room. Cas opened his mouth to speak.  "You too Cas!" Dean stop Cas from speaking.

Next morning-

"Guys, I don't want to add to the situation, but look at this. 7 other people were found dead, same stab wound and symbol" Sam turned his laptop to show a news headline. Castiel picked at his jacket, and stared intently at the floor not blinking. "Crap" dean whispered, he continued. "Um alright, let see what we can do here." Dean looked reassured but a flash of worry glossed over his eyes.

"Alright where do we start?" Sam combed through his hair. "Well we start with Cas." Cas looked up at dean. "Is there anyone in heaven that you know who could be doing this?" Dean asked. "Well, I kept track of the angels who left to live on earth and keep tabs on them. And the angels In heaven I give them assignments, but I'm not as strict when I comes to watching them." Cas said trying to think straight. "But no one comes to mind, no" Cas added.

Dean wiped his mouth. Sam had a thought. ". Hey Cas, at every crime scene a bright flash of light was reported, could that be something?" Sam said. Castiel thought for a moment. "Yes Sam, possibly." Cas said. "Well I'll bring you to the crime scene, and Sam you look to see if anymore kills show up."

Crime scene-

Castiel walked into the church and immediately felt angel grace, it was almost painful. "You alright Cas" his face was pale and sweaty. "Yes Dean, it's just the angels grace in this church is quite powerful." Cas replied shakily. Dean nodded and continued walking. "His body was found right here. Full on t-posing." Dean stood in the center of the room, where the stain glass reflecting colors on to the floor. If humans blood didn't stain the wood floor below, it would of been beautiful.

"Well at least now we know what we are dealing with, douche bag angels." Dean exclaimed sarcastically. Cas turned his head slowly towards  dean and gave him a slightly annoyed bitch face, before walking to the exit. "No Cas I-oh screw it." Dean soon followed.

Motel room-

"Hey Sammy, you got anything?" Dean opened to door to. "Uh nope, no new murders, and not one witness to any of the murders. But I did do more digging, and all the victims were in some sort of tough situation. Matthew had cancer, one victim was in pretty bad debt, and another just lost their child in a car accident."Sam said. " so all these people are desperate in some shape or form, in need of a Miracle." Dean said.

Castiel was still shaken up. He failed again, he really didn't, but that's all he could think. He zoned out, you failed heaven. You failed heaven. You let everyone down.

"Cas...Cas?!" Dean waved his hand I front of the angels face. "Huh, oh sorry" Cas sat up and adjusted his tie. Dean gave him a concerned look. A silencefell over the room that was desperate to break. "I don't know about you guys but I'm starving." Dean stood up. "So I'm gonna go and you know pick up some food you want anything?" Sam shook his head and cas didn't say anything. Dean left the room.

Whispers and ringing filled Castiel's head. He shut his eyes tight and grabbed the bridge of his knows. He let out a grunt and grabbed the bed tightly with his other hand. "Cas what's up?" Sam walked over to Cas. "It's-it's angel radio, there are so many voices." Cas stood up. "I need to leave, heaven has questions." And like that Cas was gone.

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