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"Alright so here is the plan we will each set up at a different part of the bar. Cas you get the tables in the back, Sam will get the front and I will get the bar."

Cas once again was overwhelmed by the people but adjusted when he sat down.

Sam sat in his set at a table near the door and ordered a beer.

Dean sat at the bar and also ordered a beer.

The bar was about halfway full and there were at most 7 people at the bar and more sitting at tables.

Dean sat thinking about what Cas was saying earlier about heaven and the weight he felt on his shoulders. Dean didn't want his friend to suffer or feel this way. Castiel always seemed to get it in his head that every little bad thing that happens is his fault. The plan to stop the apocalypse was Sams idea, so why did Cas feel Sams guilt? Dean couldn't understand.

"Hello hot stuff, someone as fine as you shouldn't be drinking alone." Said a charming ginger. Dean just smiled and called the bartender over for another beer. The girl sat down. "Hi" Dean replied. "so what's a strong handsome man like you doing here all alone?" She asked tilting her sharp face and pouting her lips. "don't want to get to personal but, relationship problems."

"Hmm, how so?" She asked smirking. Dean turned to her. "there's this person I know who's in a bit of emotional distress you could say, and I want to help but don't know how. They are the nicest person I know and they're always there when I call. Their  eyes, don't even get me started on their eyes, there this vibrant blue that can make anyone who looks into them fall in love." dean said. "well... how about we get out of here and we can talk about this friend of yours..." she grabbed deans hand and bit her lip.

He left with her leave through the front giving Sam a look. Sam texted Cas to meet out front. Dean and she unnamed ginger walked in the ally. Where she push dean against the wall and started to kiss him, soon she worked her way down to his neck smirking into the kisses.

Dean pulled her closer as her eyes turned a bright purple. She pulled away and grabbed Dean by the neck. Dean just smirking, as Sam decapitated her leaving deans face to be covered with blood. He close his eyes and sighed with disgust. Cas was standing behind Sam silently. Sam tried not to laugh at the state of his brother. This pulled a smile on to Cas's face too.

"wow thanks guys" dean said blankly. "no problem" Sam said still laughing a bit. Cas moved his way over to dean and tapped his head. In the blink of an eye dean was good as new. "thank you Cas" dean smiled at Cas who smiled in return.

Sam calm down "how does some sleep sound?" Sam said and dean said it sound like music to his ears.


Dean immediately jumped face first on to the bed, while Sam went into the bathroom to change and get ready for bed. Cas just stood in the room Dean looked at him, Cas look worn out and looked like he never slept a day in his life, I mean he never has but he sure needed it.

Dean patted a spot on the bed and Castiel sleepily walked his way over. "you should sleep tonight" dean said. "I'm fine de-" Cas was interrupted "no your not, you're a mess okay, so your sleeping here I'll get the couch alright." Dean said softly. Cas just nodded.

Dean moved to the couch and watched as Cas got into bed fully clothed, dean giggled.  Castiel tilted his head at deans reaction. "Wow, okay. Cas take off your clothes and shoes. Trust me it will be a lot more comfortable." Dean said while standing up to grab some clothes from his bag. He through a t-shirt and sweat pants at Cas. In the blink of an eye Cas was wearing the clothes dean gave him. "now you get into bed." Dean nodded.

Cas layed there eyes open, not knowing what to do. "dean, what is supposed to happen?" Cas asked in a low raspy voice. "Just close your eyes and think of something nice." Dean instructed while sitting on the bed. "what? Like hitting hay?" Castiel asked seriously. "what? no" dean said laughing. "here umm... think abooout... ah! A field of flowers. And how ever time the wind blows the grass moves with it. The sun is warm and bright orange and the sky Is a big range of colors from blue, pink yellow, red and purple." As dean continued describe this world cas's eyes became more and more heavy. He drifted of to sleep. Dean too found him self getting drowsy and before he could move to the couch he laid next to Cas sleeping, calm and peaceful.

Sam walked out of the bathroom and smiled

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