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"Dean we've got another one."

"Damm it. who is it this time?"

"Pull over." Sam voice was quiet, and tense.

There was a long, tense pause, the sound of baby filling the empty space until it was turned off and waited patiently on the side of the road, like dean for the response of his brother. "Dean you're really not gonna like this one."

"Sammy would you spit it out already." Dean snapped.

"Lucas." The name at first was familiar but he could not put a face to it.

Deans eyebrows furred "Lucas?...". It took a minute but, the realization hit him like a ton of bricks. "Sammy are you serious right now?" His voice soft, and mournful, rubbing a clammy hand down his face.

"Dean, would I joke about this." Sam adjusted the laptop in his lap. "I mean it fits the M.O. of who ever is doing this."

Dean let out a sigh, "yeah," shaking his head. "Yeah it does." He paused. "Man this sucks, like really sucks." Dean closed his eyes fighting back the ball rising in his throat.

"Wh-where did the find him?" Dean ground out.

Sam looked closely at his brother before answering. "The lake."

Dean closed his eyes, his head falling to his chest. His chest tightened at the thought of Lucas, the young boy who he caught to save, and now his work had been undone. "Alright. Uh okay." He shook himself, looking back at his brother with red brimmed yes. "Did he-"

" No his didn't drown, he has multiple stab wounds and lacerations all over his body" Sam read slowly

Dean let a strangled sigh. "Alright, let's go." The mourning was now replace with anger, as he started the engine up again and speeded back onto the road.


On the water, the air was crisp and cool, very different to the air of cheap motels and car engine. It would be pleasant if not for the blood stained wood and crime scene markers polluting the area.

Thankfully there was no body anymore. It lay cold I'm the Norge waiting to be inspected.

They stared in silence at the scene in front of them. Even thought Lucas was no longer there, the scene told the story of how brutally he was killed. You could tell the killer took his time. You could tell Lucas had wished he drowned when he was just a child, just to escape this fate.

"Where's his mother?" Dean broke the silence.

"She's, uh, she's at the morgue." Sam replied.

"I'll go talk to her and you look at Lucas." Dean said without argument, and started the walk back to the impala, passing the cabin he had been in so long ago. It had to be six or seven years.

Sam watch his brother pass by quickly and followed behind.


"Andrea?" The thin woman stared up. She look almost no different, although the years of distance had given her some grey hair and aged eyes. Dean gave her a comforting smile.

Her face was filled with confuse recognition. "Hi, that's me." He eyes were red and sunken in. Her hand shaking when she reach out.

Dean took her hand and shook it softly. "I- I'm sorry m-"

"Dean?" She cut him off. "Oh my god Dean. It been some time." She smiled, but it didn't quite reach her eyes.

"Yeah. You remember me?"

"Of course, you save my sons life, I," She trailed off at the end, the last of her sentence getting stuck in her throat. "Are you here to-to see Lucas?" Her eyes filled, with tears despite her attempts to hold them back.

"Yeah, yeah I..." Dean cleared his throat. "I'm so sorry Andrea." He had nothing he could say other than that.

"No. No it's not your fault. You have done so much for me and my son. You gave me more time with him." Tears now freely fell down her cheeks. "I got to see my baby boy grow up because of you. He may be gone now but you gave me that. It's not your fault."

Dean too was crying. He had saved this boy and now he was dead because of him.


I'm fine with this story guys. I'm sorry but I tired of it. I have grown up, and I have now realized that this fic is not good. So now that I'm older and know how to write, I moved to ao3. I was attached to Wattpad for a while until I realized the good stories were elsewhere. I recommend that you guys use ao3 instead of Wattpad. It will change your life. I am writing fanfics over there, and plan to rewrite this fic in a better way. I think what I started is a good base for an even better story.

So if you take my word for it, here is my ai3 account.


I'm am truly sorry for leaving you guys like this but trust me and go to ao3.

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