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Lucky for him, Dean woke up in the middle of the night and moved to the couch before Sam or Cas noticed where he had been sleeping, not knowing Sam knew but Sam didn't want to mention it to mess things up. He wanted to stay with Cas. The warmth and comfort that Castiel gave him was unbelievable, but he didn't want Sam to ask questions.

Sam was the first to wake up. He was confused to see dean snoring on the couch, but then he looked to the bed and saw Castiel sleeping there.

After dean woke up and got his coffee, he started to pack up his things. "Hey dean, how about we stay one more night?" Sam asked. "Um...why? We killed the monster." Dean replied confused.

Now that the case was over, Sam thought it would be fun to take a break from the monster slaying and explore the city. Dean agreed.

Cas must of slept for 15 hours, and he like it. Considering he had never slept before that was quite insane. Dean had to wake him up because they wanted to go out and check out some places in the city. Cas felt refreshed and more alert.

"Where do we want to go" dean asked. "Time square?" Sam offered. It was a bit of a walk but it was refreshing and calm. When they got there they were you could say underwhelmed, there was a lot of garbage and it stunk." Well this sucks" dean spat. "Agreed" Castiel said with a disgusting face. "Hey, why don't we go to the plaza?"sam asked not giving up hope." yes please anywhere but here." Dean said.

When they got to the bottom of the escalator, they were hit this the smell of fresh baked good and sandwiches. They split into groups Cas and dean would get deserts and Sam would get actual food. They found an table and place the array of foods, from pies and macarons to sandwiches and sushi and of course DRINKS!. As they ate they laughed and talked. It was a nice way to spend time together. They never really got a break so this felt like heaven on earth.

They bought a box of macarons and cas really wanted to try them. There was a lemon, raspberry, Pistachio, rose, cotton candy, caramel, coffee, and vanilla. Cas' favorite was rose, sams was coffee, and deans was cotton candy. They also had all kinds of pie that of course dean ate most of.

By the end of their fun day they were worn out and laughing in the streets of New York. The night sky was clear and each star stared down at the world watching closely.

They got back to the hotel Sam and Dean both went to sleep as soon as they hit the mattress. Castiel just sat watching deans chest rise and fall, Cas tried to match with deans breathing. With each breath the feeling bubbled up in his chest again, but this time he wasn't afraid of it, he actually liked it.

Later that night Dean became a bit twitchy. Although his eyes were closed you could still see the fear. Sweat built up on his face and his twitching intensified. Cas' eyes were closed so he hadn't noticed, until he heard his name faintly whispered from a still asleep dean. "Cas" Castiel opened his eyes. He heard it again but this time it was more desperate "Cas!... help me please.......Cas!" dean said as a shiver sent up his spin. He let out a quiet sob.

Cas walk towards dean. He sat next to him on the bed and placed his hand on deans shoulder lightly, not to wake him up. Dean jerked at the touch but melted into it. He brought his face close to deans ear and whispered " dean, I'm right here. I got you. your safe." Castiel repeatedly these words until dean was calm.

Castiel sat there until he knew that the nightmare had ended. He removed his hand from deans should. Dean hummed softly at the loss. Dean shifted his position to face Castiel, who was still close to dean. Dean then snuggled into the tan trench coat that Castiel always wore, he exhaled and smiled a bit.

Castiel didn't know what to do. He didn't want to wake up Dean so he sat there Until morning.

Sam woke up the the sight of Cas and dean once again in the same bed this time Castiel was wake sitting up, while dean held on to Cas' coat. " he had a nightmare, I think about hell." Cas said gruffly.

Sam didn't know dean still had nightmares about hell. It made sense that Cas would be the one to comfort him, seein as he is the one who gripped him tight and raise him from perdition.

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