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"Where's Cas?" Dean walked into the motel room with food in hand. " he uh... he had some heaven business. "Oh" dean says disappointed. He looks into the bag and pulled out a beers and sandwiches, then finally pulled out a box of macarons. Sam looked at the box confused "why d'you get those" Sam pointed at the box. "Well, Cas likes them so I thought I would get him some." Sam smiled slightly at his brother adorable gesture towards Castiel.

"So the case. Anything new" dean says. " ah no.. not really," Sam scratches his hair, and continued. " we can't really do anything without Cas so I guess we just wait."


Cas had no time to think there was just so much to fix. He had no time for distractions, like Sam and dean. But when I found himself needing a break, he would think of dean. His hair, his nose, his lips, his eyes. He knew so much about the man he could imagine a perfect clone of him in his brain. He knew how many freckles he had and where they all were. Those moments were short lived because as soon as he relax a bit a bunch more problems to fixed bubbled up.

"Hello Castiel, we have our meeting now." A very small woman knocked on the door. " yes, come sit down." Castiel gestured to the seat across from him on the other side of his desk. The young woman sat down adjusting her very clean suit and pushed her glasses up. She pulled out a clip board and a pen.

"I would like to discuss the entrance to heaven. It seems to be used more than instructed and we are trying to figure out why." She says intelligently. "Alright do you know who is doing it?" Castiel asked. " we have yet to ask the angels guarding it, so no."
"Well as soon as you know, do tell." Castiel instructed. She nodded and left the room.

Castiel leaned back in his chair pinching the bridge of his nose, letting out a tired sigh.

~~~ hello author here! Sorry this chapter is so short I'm having slight writers block and it annoying me~~~

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