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2 days later~~~

When the boys weren't sleeping in motels they slept in the impala. While it wasn't that comfortable, it was the only stable thing they had. It felt safe, it was home.

Sam had been looking for a case, but found none. Castiel was visiting as much as he could, he still had his angel duty's. And dean wait for cases, drinking beer and fishing. He wasn't very good at it but it was relaxing.

They actually had some time off. That's new!

About two days into this strange concept of free time, Castiel appeared and saw dean humming a song, drinking a beer and fishing. Cas smiled seeing dean so relaxed.

Dean was sitting on some rocks by a river with his shoes off. "Hello dean" dean jumped a bit, but took another swig of beer. "Hey Cas". " what are you doing with that stick?" Castiel asked curiously and confused. Dean laughed quietly" it's not a stick, it's a fishing rod"dean said. " what is its purpose?" Cas asked. "well you catch fish with. Come here let me show you."Cas went to dean, almost tripping over the rocks, and sat down next to dean. Dean pulled the fishing line out of the water. "See this hook, you put bate on it to attract the fish. Then you throw the fishing line in and wait. Once you feel a pull on the rod you start to pull in the line by turning this little handle. Got it?" Dean explained. "Yes, I think I got it. But what do you do after?" Cas asked. " well.... once you catch a fish you throw it back into the water." Cas was confused. "so you do all of that work just to free the fish?" "well yeah, what's the point of killing that fish. It's just something to do while your bored."

Dean got up and pulled another rod out of the car. " wanna try?" Cas nodded. Dean sat back down handing the rod to Cas. Castiel watch dean curiously as dean hooked a worm to the hook. "alright! Now throw her into the water." Dean said clapping and smiling. Castiel pulled back and through with all of might!


Dean laughed so hard he thought his stomach was going to explode. There sat an angel of the lord in a river drenched. Castiel had super-ultra-mega bitchface. "This isn't funny Dean" Cas said standing up and ringing out his trench coat. "Come on Cas it's a little fun" dean said calming down. A smile crept onto Castiel face. "Okay maybe it's a little funny."Cas said, stepping out of the water.

"Come on let's try again, but this time don't throw it as hard okay."Dean said. Castiel grabbed the rod again and this time he through it so soft that it barely touched the water. "Really Cas."dean said sarcastically. " shhhhh" Cas said focusing very hard.  " third times a charm." Dean said. This time it was damm near perfect. "hallelujah! You freaking did it man" dean patted Cas on the shoulder. "now I we
just wait?" Cas asked. "Yep" dean leaned back a and drank his beer.

Sam walked over to see Dean asleep and cas watching him holding on to a fishing rod. "Cas, how long have you been sitting here?"sam asked. "Well about 2 hours. Dean told me to wait so I did." Just as Cas finished his sentence, the fishing rod started to bend. "Dean! Dean I think I got something!" Cas said a little bit scared. " dean jolted awake. "Shit.... Cas pull it in."Dean said.

When Castiel finally pulled it out of the water and looked at it, it was tiny. Like about three inches long. "Well that was anti-climactic" dean said. But Cas was so proud. He smiled like a child in a candy store. "What do you mean? Dean I caught a fish!" Cas said happily. "What ever you say, if your happy I'm happy" dean said smiling at Cas. "Yeah good job" Sam added. "I'm going to name it.... Sara!" Cas said. Sam and Dean didn't question it, they just smiled. Then Cas tossed Sara back into the river.

Dean look at the content angel and smiled mischievously looking down at his beer. "Well, I want to hag out with Sara" dean said. Sam and cas were very confused.

Out of no where, dean pushed Castiel back into the river and jumped in after. "Oh that's it" Cas said in a goofy voice and attacked dean playfully, splashing. Dean then pick Castiel up at the waist and through he in the water. They both had smiles from ear to ear.

Sam sat there and watched, happy to see his brother happy. His plan might work after all.

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