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—-Sorry, if you follow me I can follow you back there is something wrong my email information! Now back to the story. —-

"dean are you sure you still want to work this case, I mean you are In no s-." Cas was interrupted. "yes, Cas how many times do I need to tell you!" Dean shouted, looking down and pinching his nose bridge.
Castiel looked at him expecting more. "I'm sorry man, I'm fine okay. I don't know what happened last night but I'm better." Dean said calmly. "well I know what happened to you Dean. You had a panic attack, a very bad one."

Dean looked up at Cas "I know but, there is someone I need to help. There was a girl at the high school, Ava. I think she is involved in the case."

Cas smiled at this, dean was always risking himself to help others. And he never got anything in return.

" alright fine, but I'm staying with you, if you start to panic again you tell me or Sam alright." Castiel instructed. "Okay" dean said while putting his hands up to surrender.

Sam thought it would be a good idea for dean and cas to go to the school again, while he goes to check out the body's.


The school was holding an assembly. Of course non of the kids were listening, they were on the phone and whispering. Cas and dean stood in the back silently watching.
Dean and cas were called to the stage to discuss the murders with the students. In the next few days the students would be pulled out of their English class to be asked questions about the victims.

They sat for what felt like an eternity just asking clueless teenagers questions. Until They got some information from this blond boy who was shy and timid, he was wearing a football jersey. He told them that the student victim, Carter "was kind of an asshole. He was, what you could say the leader of the bully squad and captain of the douche-wad team." He was the dumb less hot version or Regina George, but obviously was a boy.

Near the end of the day it was finally Ava's turn. Dean was happy to see her smile. She looked better from the last time he saw her, but still a bit rough. "hey kid." Dean said Cheerfully. "Hello." She replied. "What happened to your brother, Sam?" She asked. "he's uh- doing some more research, this is agent Murdock. He will be helping me, so you should get used to him."dean said letting out a small quiet laugh.

Cas reached out his hand to Ava giving her a friendly smile, and she shook his hand gently. Castiel was very surprised at Dean. He was actually really good with kids.

"so did you how do you know the victims?" Dean asked. "well like I said before, Mr. Chasse was my social studies teacher, and Carter, well he's was a jerk." "How so?" Dean asked. "Well he uh—after my mom he... kind of made fun of me, and said my mother killed herself because of me." Ava said hesitantly while picking at her sleeves. Castiel looked at her with sympathy, and notice they had the same tick when the are anxious.

Castiel had learned from dean that a simple hand on a shoulders was a good way to comfort, so he lead forward and did just that, Ava smiled at Cas. Dean looked at him impressed.

" I'm sorry kid" dean said. "it's alright"she replied. "What about your teacher?" Castiel asked. "Well he um, the day he was murdered he asked me to stay after class I said I couldn't, because I knew he was a creepy dude." She said. Dean nodded and looked at Cas. "Smart" Dean said. " they found his body later that day". A silence fell over the room "well um Ava, you can go back to class now. Me and agent Murdock will go over things, Bye kid."Dean said cheerfully. Ava awkwardly waved and left the room.

Dean was hungry so for lunch, so they went to a diner. Sam called dean, he was going back to the room for a nap.

Dean got the most juicy carb filled burger ever and Castiel go a coffee. " so what do you think dean? About the case" " well I have a few ideas. Ava's mother she could be a ghost and is protecting her." Cas tilted his head. Dean continue " think about it the two victims were hurting or going to hurt her, and a mother protects their children. Like her personal protector. " "why do not we rap up and talk Sam." Cas suggested.

After they ate and payed the bill, they got in the impala, dean heard distant screams and he gripped the steering wheel tight, and clenched his jaw. As the walls closed in on dean. They sat for a few seconds.

"dean?..... dean." Dean heard Cas's call and was pulled out of his head.

"What....... oh s-sorry Cas."

Castiel placed his hand on deans shoulder and looked into deans green eyes. "are you alright?"

"I'm fine Cas. I just zoned out" dean said a bit shaky. "you sure, dean". Cas said As pointed at deans hands that gripped the weel so tight his hand were turn white. Dean quickly took his hands off. Castiel gave dean a bitch face that had undertones of worry. "I said I'm fine." And with that he started the car and blasted his music.

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