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Dean and Cas walked over to the impala giggling,  where Sam stood leaning up against it smiling. They were both drenched with dirty river water, but they didn't care.
Dean signed happily. "so Sammy you found anything?" Cas stood behind dean very close. "No, but I will soon." Sam says folding his arms. "Well while you keep searching I'm going to change and get some food." Dean said. Dean grabbed some new clothes and changed in the impala.

Castiel stood with Sam about 12 feet away from the car. He found it difficult not to Peak at the man changing in the back seat. Of course Sam noticed and was holding in a very large grin. When dean got out of the car he asked if with of them wanted to go. Both Sam and cas said yes.

They drove through heavy forest, Castiel looked out at the sun peaking through trees and mountains in the distance from the back seat. Dean look in the mirror to see the angels eyes that were lite up the sun when ever it shown through the trees.

Sam wanted to die, the love that was pouring out of dean was physically painful. Sam just wanted to shove the their faces together, and make them make out. "Sooooooo....." Sam said, wanting to break the awkward silence. "I think I may have found another case earlier, but wanted to look into it before I mentioned it." Sam said slightly annoyed. "Alright, we can talk about it over lunch."

The silence filled the car again and Sam rolled his eyes. Oh my god! Sam thought.


Once they got their food, Sam told them about the case. "So get this, a woman in Old Lyme Connecticut apparently ran herself to death..."

The world slowed and twisted. Deans vision blurred with tears as he stared intensely at the set in front of him. The screams grew louder in his brain until he stood up and quickly made his way to the impala. Cas followed closely behind.

Dean hopped into the car, holding back tears. He placed his head in his hands. Castiel slowly got in the car and slid towards Dean pulling him into his arms. "Cas-." Dean was interrupted. "I know I'm sorry" Castiel slightly rocked them back and forth while rubbing circles on deans back. Dean sobbed " I-I just want it to stop.... please Cas." he whispered painfully into Cas' chest. "Shhh, I know" Cas said back.

Sam made his way outside after apologizing to the waitress and paying her. He froze outside the door and saw Castiel and dean in the car. Unlike last time Sam wasn't happy to see Cas and dean so close, he just wanted his brothers pain to be over.

Dean breathed hot air onto Castiel neck and they pulled closer to each other. They were so close, dean felt a weight on his shoulders being lifted. Hell was still there but it was fading away with each circle Cas drew on his back. Dean closed his eyes, and inhaled the smell Castiels iconic trench coat. He wanted to stay like that for the rest of eternity.

"Are you okay now?"Cas asked softly. Dean hummed in response. They had been sitting there for about five minutes, while Sam waited silently back inside the diner. "Dean we should go back inside." Dean nodded and pulled away. "Alright" they got out of the car and made their way back to their seats.

Sam looked at his brother sincerely. "Hey dean you good?" " I'm fine Sammy just continue on about the new case." Dean said firmly.

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