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"Would you stop squirming please, your not getting out of those ropes darlin', and you know it." The knife in Haniels hand gliding through his fingers like butter, A cocky grin plastered on his face. He leaned against a pillar In the dark but surprisingly clean room.

The young man tied down to the bed tremble while restrained by the leather belts. His wrists raw and burnt, and his mouth gaged, muting his screams.

The knife in Haniels hand came to a sudden stop as he continued. "Now, love, I want you to know exactly why I am doing this. An injustice had occurred in our small irrelevant universe." He looked at himself in the mirror across the small, damp, and dirty room. "We live in a godless world," he stopped to correct himself. "Okay maybe not godless, but he sure as hell doesn't give a rats ass about us. I'm mean I can't blame him. All the pain and sadness your kind gave plagued this world with." He shiver in disgusted. "But what is the real kicker is the people we put in charge when gods to busy gettin hot with the French." He turn sharply and struts towards the shackled man. He presses the tip of his angel blade into his chest, leaning over the man. "I mean really, Castiel? Of all the angels, they choose him, that back stabbing wad of feathers."

"Well, enough of my complaining, I mean let's get to the fun part, right!" He pressed the blade into his bare chest, enough to pierce his heaving chest. Haniel pulled away suddenly. "I must say I do prefer you with short hair, suits you much better than that shaggy hair cut you had as a boy. Actually speaking of, you remember Sam and dean correct?" Despite the restraints and gag, the man was able to tilt his head in confusion, a hint of recognition behind his eyes. "Perhaps you need a small reminder." In a harsh motion, Haniel pressed the palm of his hand to his forehead, both their eyes going white.

The young man laid there panting as a memories of his childhood were forced to the front of his brain. The lake, a red bike, and a young boy in the water, pale and decayed.

"Ah, see.... All you needed was a jog of your memory's." Haniel smirked.

He remembered dean pulling his unconscious body out of the water.

"It's almost poetic, Sam and Dean Winchester, the ones who saved you all those years ago, now the cause of you death, dontcha think, Lucas..." The words said mockingly.

Lucas once again struggled against the restraints, as Haniel got back to work carving away at the sweaty flesh on his chest, his blood-curdling shrieks muted by the gag.

By the end of the 'section', Haniel was wiping his blade with a damp cloth, washing away the blood. There was something cathartic about the way the water rolled off the hydrophobic metal surface. Angel blades are curious weapons. What are they made of? What can they kill? They can kill a lot but, how much?

Once satisfied with his results, he place the blade in his neat assortment of other weapons and rolled up the leather roll case.

"Haniel, sir, may I speak with you?" A man in a 40's style suit and gelled hear spoke from the door way hands in his pockets. He rock back and forth from heal to toes, an action that was strangely casually, considering there was a fresh cadaver only 10 feet away.

"Orifiel, how many times must we discuss this? There is no need to call me sir." Haniel approached Orifiel, getting only inches away. "We save that for the bedroom." He whispered with a smirk. "And in this environment, we are all equals. Now what must we discuss?"

The other angel took a few moments to process the previous statement, leaving him slightly flustered, well as flustered as angel can get. Shaking away the foreign emotion he continued. "The Winchester, they know the murders are by angel, but are still unaware it is us." Orifiel was almost nervous to share this information, His hand shaking a little.

"Good, my plan is mapping out quite well so far," Haniel reached down to the shaking hand calming it instantly. "Calm down hun, this information is no surprise. And besides, there actions are not in your hands so if my plan fails, it will be by my fault and my fault only." He gently patted the hand, and continued. "Lesson of the day never underestimate the Winchesters, they are smarter than they look, especially the blonde one."

"Alright sir-Haniel." Orifiel corrected himself quickly.

Haniel let out a huffed laugh. "It's alright we'll work on it. Now I must clean up my little mess here." He gestured towards the bloody mess in the center of the small room.

Now was Haniels favorite part, placing the body. It was like almost like an Easter egg hunt....but with human corpses, But those are just details! This time it was decided the body would be place on the dock in the lake where Lucas, grew up. Haniel thought it would add salt to the wound. So that's exactly what he did.

Lucas was splayed across the wood dock neatly, with his arms out and legs tight together, it closely resembled Jesus on the cross. His shirt was removed I make the symbol front and center. This murder was not to bring death to it victim, I mean death was part of the symbol, but the real purpose was to spread a movement to reach and convince some and scare others. The main target to scare being the Winchesters and their wing whore, as Haniel like to call him. Haniel surprisingly hated killing humans, they had so much potential, they were just unknowingly betrayed you a father couldn't give two shits about wether they parish or not.

That's why it's his job to set thing right again.

"Hello, Castiel. You wanted to see me?"

"Hello, Haniel, come take a seat please." Castiel gestured for him to enter the room. Haniel moved forward into the room. Castiel stood be hind his desk chair leaned on it with both hands. "Yes, there seems to be an issue arising caused by a small group of angels. I was just wondering if you knew anything about this? I have been calling others but none seem to have and information." Cas moved to stand in front of the desk.

"No bother, I do t believe I have noticed or seen any signs of rogue angels, I'm sorry. If any think pops up I will definitely come to you." Haniel answered, very believably.

"Alright, thank you, and good work on you miracles." Castiel lead him out of the room with a sigh.

Haniel of course kept things professional in the work place. He did his heavenly duty's, even as they were instructed by an imbecile and traitor. He also knew to keep away suspicion he most blend in, do what you were told. He thought of it as perfect soldier by day completed and otter rebel at night. Castiel had never led on such a large scale making this whole endeavor that much easier.

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