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**Warning abuse, anxiety, and suicide**
Step one- That rate at which sam found a case was insane, almost like chuck wanted Dean and Castiel together. It was a small case not too far from here. In a small town call shrub oak, there were two murders. The victims both worked at or attended Lakeland high school, their organs turned to soup.

" hey dean. I think I got something" Sam said excited. Dean looked up in interest. "Two murders in shrub oak, seems like a simple salt and burn."Sam said. "Great let's get to it!"

Castiel was not coming on this hunt he had thing in heaven to deal with. The angels had so many questions that Castiel didn't know how to answer, and it was all so overwhelming. When it became too  much Cas thought about the special place dean described that night. He tells the angels what freedom is, which was always difficult, they asked where to start, and that's the thing, they needed instructions to be free.

Sam and Dean arrived at the high school. " Dean your not going to be the gym teacher this time! Okay."Sam said. " fine Sammy, Bitch." "jerk".

Sam and Dean had been to a lot of high schools but not this one. They walked up the the front desk flashed their FBI badges and signed in. The halls were pretty big, and the students were in class. As they walked by the girls bathroom, they heard faint sobs. They walked closer.

In the bathroom there was a red headed girl with a bob hair cut. Her bangs hung just above her eye lids. She was sitting in a stall. " hello? Is everything alright?" Dean asked from outside the bathroom. The girl sat quietly for a few seconds. "Is it alright if I come in?" Dean questioned. "Um, sure." The girl responded. She wiped her eyes and tugged at her long sleeves, almost like she was hiding something and walked out of the stall.

Sam waited outside, while dean walked in slowly towards her. " are you alright?" Dean asked softly. The girl just nodded as her breathing hitched and she let out a small sob. Dean looked down at her with kind eyes, tilted his head and got the badge out from his pocket. She started to cry again and put her face in her hands. "Why don't you clean up and we talk." Dean offered.

Her tired eyes looked down at her sleeve nervously as she slowly pulled them up the wash her hands. When dean looked at her arms he realized the severity of the situation. All up her arms were bruises and scratches. "I will be right back alright." Dean said and walk over to Sam. " I know this isn't part of the Case Sammy but this girl needs help. She is covered in bruises, I don't know if they are self inflicted or not but I want to help." Dean said in a whisper.

The girl walked out of the bathroom avoiding eye contact. "Alright let's start with names, I'm Dean and this is my brother Sammy." Dean said in his mom voice. "I'm Ava" she said finally looking at dean. He smiled and bent down to her level. " is it alright if we talk?"

Sam was surprised by his brother. Dean always looked after him, but he never really saw this side of him. The kind and gentle side. Dean always made sure Sams life was as normal as possible and wanted him to be normal, but the more Sam watch Dean the more he realized that dean wanted to be normal too, and he would be good at it.

Ava nodded "is there somewhere more private that isn't the girl bathroom" dean laughed. This got a smile from Ava. " yeh, I guess." Her voice was very quiet and timid.

They asked for some privacy in an office. "I want you to know you are completely safe with us okay all you have to do is answer some questions." Sam said. she nodded nervously. "may I please see your arm?" Dean asked. She hesitantly obliged. Dean looked at her for permission. When she nodded Dean slowly pulled her sleeve up. She quickly looked away, inhaled and pulled her arm away. " do you mind me asking how you got those?" Dean asked soothingly.

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