Weird Feelings

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Warnings: none
Reader Gender: Female

Luffy wasn't sure where it came from, he never felt like this before. From the very first day she joined the crew, he hadn't felt the way he did recently. Was it the way she fought off marines like it was nothing? Or was it that she would always give her leftovers to him? Maybe it was the way the sun made her (color) eyes shine like diamonds? Whatever it was, Luffy was drawn to her. That he could be fine with, but the way it made him feel was...weird. It always started in the pit of his stomach, at first he thought he had a stomach ache. Then it made it's way to his heart. Anytime he would see Y/n smile, it made his heart race like he had just been running a marathon. Luffy eventually went to see Chopper about it, and he was certain that Luffy wasn't sick. "Maybe you should tell Nami or Robin." Chopper would take the time to explain what Luffy was really feeling, but it would take him all day.

Once Nami and Robin was told, they explained to him the same thing Chopper did. He was not in fact sick, but in love. Love? Well sure he loved her, he loved all of his crew. Maybe he would get the answer he needed from Y/n herself. He found her on the grassy deck of the Sunny, leaning on the rail, staring out into the endless deep blue sea. For some reason, Luffy was suddenly anxious. Why? He had never felt that way, but now that it was Y/n, he couldn't control the feeling stirring deep within him. He took a deep breath before walking over to her. "Hey Y/n." Luffy greets her with his usual bright self. The girl turned to meet her captain, she gave him a kind smile. "Hello captain."

There went his heart again, thumping away in his chest. He made a great attempt not to make it seem obvious. "Uh, I have a question for you." He says, hiding the nervousness in his voice as best as he could. Y/n tilts her head slightly. "Hm?" She hums, wanting him to continue. Luffy quickly explains his situation, and how he talked to Chopper, Nami, and Robin. Then he mentioned how he was told that the feeling he had could be love, not just the love he felt for his crew, but the love where he would be ok sharing his meat with someone. Y/n's face was tinted red, her captain was in love with her? How could she respond to that? Of course she felt the same, but did he really? Luffy has never shown signs of this kind of thing with anyone, not even Boa Hancock! And she was the most beautiful woman on Earth! Did he really understand what he was feeling? Finally, after a few seconds, Y/n spoke.

"Oh, well, I think they're right you think you are?" She asks. Luffy takes a moment to think, he was very aware of his feelings. But this was so new to him, he really did care for Y/n, he would do anything for her. He wanted to protect her, and maybe one day, she would become his queen, once he becomes king of pirates. Then that clicked with him, he wanted her to be his queen! "Y/n, when I'm king of the pirates, do you wanna be my queen?" Before Y/n could answer he spoke again. "No, I want you to be my queen! Say you will!" He says in a more demanding tone. Y/n couldn't help but smile, something about what he said made her sure, he did love her. But she just had to hear it from him. "Of course I will." Luffy smiles widely and wraps his arms around her, pulling her in for a loving embrace.

"I love you Luffy." She hugs him back. His embrace became tighter. "I love you too Y/n!" Luffy couldn't be more relieved to know these "weird feelings" weren't as weird as he thought they would be. In fact, it got him to finally confess his feelings for Y/n. And soon, they would rein over all the pirates, as their new king and queen.

Somewhere on the ship there was a crying chef, one less woman in his life he could fawn over.

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