Coming Soon...

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A young girl of seven years old, found herself at the edge of her home island. The blue ocean waves gently kissed the sandy shore, occasionally pushing different kinds of shells onto the sand. That's why she was here in the first place, collection shells for her father. Her father loved unique looking shells, and his birthday was coming soon, so now was the perfect time to find some. After a while of searching, she couldn't find one unique shell. Just as she was about to give up, something from the corner of her eye, caught her attention. She hurried over to the strange object, no, not an object, a...fruit? She picked up the odd looking fruit and examined it. She sniffed at it and felt her stomach rumble. When had she last ate? Not since breakfast, which was a few hours ago. She figured a little snack wouldn't hurt, and so, she took a bite. The fruit had such an odd flavor, nothing like she's ever ate before. And so, she decided not to finish it. She looked back into the forest, deep within, was her village. "I should be heading back." She says before looking back at the fruit in her hands. "Maybe papa will know what this is. He's smart!" She smiles as she makes her way into the forest.

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Art belongs to: T.Izawa (@A_29z) on Twitter

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