No Need

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Warning(s): Mature Content(no smut), Sexual Situations/Tension
Reader: She/Her

(Luffy is sorta canonically asexual, and so we're gonna dive into how his relationship would be like during or involving sexual/intimate moments.)

Luffy might not be the brightest of people, but that didn't make him a complete idiot. He understood most things, or things he would consider important to himself. But for the longest time in his life, he could not comprehend the desire to have a romantic relationship with someone. He felt, for a while, that he didn't feel the need to settle down with someone. To him, it was considered boring or a waste of time. However he was happy for his friends if they did find romantic partners of their own. But to him, he just understand the need for it.

That is, until he met Y/n. He was 17 at the time when they both became close friends. And like all of his friends, he loved and cared for her deeply, as if she was family. But he didn't consider that love and care to be anymore than platonic until two years later. The smallest of things Y/n did, that she had done before, seemed to have created new feelings inside of Luffy. The way she laughed, how gentle her smile was, how her eyes would sparkle when she talked about something she was passionate about. It seemed like everything about Y/n was new to him, like he hadn't noticed any of it before now.

He felt like he was going crazy, or that he had caught some sort of unknown illness. The way his chest would flutter when she near him, or the way it would ache if she gave her attention to someone else.

It wasn't until he asked his friends about it, did he realize that the platonic love he felt for Y/n might have been something more. Something stronger. It turned out, he had feelings for Y/n. It was...confusing to say the least. What was he suppose to do with these new feelings? He had never been in any kind of romantic relationship, he had never had any crushes, and anyone who had crushes on him (Hancock), he wouldn't understand why or care. But now that he was on the other side of the situation, and he was more confused than he had ever been in his entire life.

So what did he do about this?

He just outright told Y/n everything, of course. Bluntly. With no hesitation whatsoever.

Shocked, was one way to describe Y/n's reaction to all of this. Of course she was happy cause she felt the same, just never let it show due to fear of rejection, but she was utterly shocked that Luffy, who had never shown any interest in relationships...liked her. Loved her even.

But of course, she accepted his feelings and here they were a year later, still together. They acted just like any other couple...well sorta, doing a lot of the things other couples did, but slightly differently. Some couples might take a walk along the beach, they would go and play in the water and make sand castles. Some couples would go to a romantic dinner at a fancy restaurant, they would go an all-you-can-eat buffet. And some couples would have their more intimate moments, they...well, they kissed. Held hands. Hugged each other. Even had lots of cuddle sessions. But...

They have never tried actually having such intimate and passionate moments. The closest they would get are the occasional steamy make outs. But that's about it.

And it was awkward for Y/n to bring up with Luffy. While she knew well that sex wasn't the most important thing in a relationship, she did wonder. Does Luffy ever want more from her? Normally, if he wanted something, he'd just take it. Luffy took what he wanted, but she knew he loved her enough to never be selfish with her. To take something she wasn't offering or ready to give. But, she was willing to give herself to him, if that's what he wanted.

But more than that, it was awkward because, Luffy was...pure. He never been in any relationships, like previously mentioned. He wasn't perverted. And he didn't focus on lovey-dovey stuff, unless it came to Y/n. Hell, he even told her he had seen Hancock naked by accident a few years back, and had little to no reaction what so ever to it. And Boa Hancock was no one to just glance at or ignore.

So what would he really think of it? Well, there was only one way to find out...

They were both hanging out on the couch of Y/n's living room, watching some random show. She was curled up close to Luffy, her head on his chest, perfect for hearing his clam breathing and heartbeat. Luffy's arms wrapped around her form loosely, yet just tight enough to be considered lovingly. Y/n looked up at him, he was barely focusing on the TV, near dosing off to sleep.

"Hey Luffy?" She asks in a soft voice. Luffy blinked away his boredom and looked at her, he grinned. "Yeah?" He asked. "Um, can I...ask you something?" Y/n could feel her nerves getting the better of her. "Sure, lay it on me!" Luffy said kindly, awaiting her question. Y/n gulped, now or never. "Have you ever thought being more intimate?" Luffy tilts his head, clearly confused. "More intimate? What like, kissing and stuff? You wanna kiss?" He asked with a slight chuckle. "We do that all the time but ok-"

"No." Y/n shook her head. "I mean, I do love your kisses Luffy. But that's not what I meant." This was only getting more difficult, she considered just dropping it all together. But she needed to know. Couples are suppose to be open with just about everything right?

"What I mean is, have you ever wanted to...have sex...with me?" She trailed off, eyes avoiding Luffy's own. Luffy was quiet for a moment, only adding to Y/n worry and uneasy nerves. "Sex? Uh, right that thing." Luffy hummed. "I've never done it before. But I heard it's suppose to be really neat!" Well, neat was one way of putting it...

"Yeah. I guess." Y/n cleared her throat. "So. What do you think?" Again Luffy was silent, pondering the very concept. He knew that sex was something very special to couples. It was a time where each person in the relationship, could be fully vulnerable with each other, open with each other, and to share a moment unlike any other. A moment not anyone else could share besides them. When he thought about it like that, he of course wanted to try it with Y/n. He loved her after all. He wanted to share his love for her in any way he could. Including sex.

"Sure! How do we start?" He asks. "Oh, um, well you can start by kissing me." Y/n tells him. Luffy leaned forwards and kissed Y/n deeply. This was one of those rare times when Luffy would be a little more bold. When he would snake his arms around Y/n's waist, pulling her in close. Y/n sighed shakily as she kissed him back. After a moment she pulled back, leaving a trail of kisses and tiny nips along Luffy's jaw line, down his neck, to his collar bone. "Y/n?" Luffy says under his breath. Y/n hummed as she planted another kiss onto his tan skin. "Are you eating me?" That made Y/n freeze. Slowly lifting her head to look at him. Then a giggle left her lips. "Eat you?"

She laughed. "No Luffy, no. I'm not." Luffy was still confused, and just as he was about to ask another question, Y/n bit down on a certain spot that made him shiver. 'There it is.' Y/n thought with a proud grin. Her tongue darted out to lick over that spot, before nibbling it again. "Y-Y/n it's...what are you-" A gasp interrupted his words. He could feel Y/n's hands trailing down his chest and abdomen, down to his V line. Before she went any further, she looked up at Luffy.

"Is this ok?" She asks softly. Luffy gulped and looked away from her, face reddening by the second. Why was this getting him so...bothered? The sight of Y/n down on him like this, her sultry eyes glistening with lust. The way her hands would gently brush over his skin. It was all so intense. Was this normal? To feel so...much, all at once? "Luffy?" She called again when she got no response. "Are you ok? Do you want me to stop?" She said, moving her hands away.

"It's so...much." Luffy huffed. "It feels good but..." Y/n understood. He was feeling overwhelmed, she needed to stop. And so she did. She moved away from his nether and went back up to face him. "It's ok. We don't have to do anything else." Luffy finally looked at her. "But you wanted to." He said, pouring slightly. Y/n shook her head. "That doesn't matter. For this kind of thing to work, we both have to want it. Especially if it's our first time." She got into the same cuddled position as before. "And whenever you're ready to try again, just let me know." Luffy smiled at her words. "Ok. I will." He snuggled her tightly. "Thanks for letting me try Y/n."

"Of course." Y/n smiled.

(Might make a part 2 where more happens, idk tho, my smut writing skills are less than great haha...)

(I am not an ace, so anyone out there who feels this isn't up to par, please let me know. I understand asexuality is a spectrum, but I still do not wish to offend) 

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