Just Hold On

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Warnings: Angst, mentions of death
Reader Gender: Neutral

Y/n was cornered, there were too many marines surrounding them, and the rest of the Strawhat crew were nowhere to be found. There was no where to go, the ocean was just below them. They were out of breath and on the brink of exhaustion, but they couldn't give up yet. They had to fight, the crew was waiting for them to find them. They just had to hold on. So Y/n readied their ability. Just as they went to attack, there was a sudden wave of drowsiness that washed over them. One of the marines had managed to sneak up on them and cuff their ankles with sea prism. Their ability wore off and they began to loose consciousness, once again there were cuffs on them, this time on their wrists.

Y/n stumbled backwards and fell down to the ocean below them. Just before they hit the water, they heard what only could be described as punching. Then, came the cry of no other than their captain, Luffy. The harsh water finally made contact with Y/n, they sank further and further down. Their vision began to blur, and their lungs struggled to hold breath. This was it for them, with the sea prison and the endless ocean all around them, there couldn't be a way out. If only, they were a bit braver before today. If only they would have told their captain how they really felt. How much they admire and care for him. And above all, how much they loved him. Y/n closed their eyes, awaiting their fait that lies just ahead of them.

That is, until she felt arms wrap around them. Y/n opened their eyes, and to their surprise, it was Luffy. What was he doing!? He was a devil fruit user too! Y/n looked at him with desperate and pleading eyes, they wanted Luffy to get out of there. There was no reason he had to die to, he was a captain! He was going to become king of pirates, he can't throw it all away just for one person! All of a sudden, his lips were on their's, filling their lungs with air once again. After a few seconds he pulled away, and held her close as he drifted into unconsciousness. Y/n knew that his efforts was useless, there was no way they would be able to get out of this situation. So they held him back, as tightly as they could, as they both descended into darkness.

Y/n awoke with a sharp gasp. Though it seemed like they was sleeping for days, they were overwhelmed with exhaustion. Soon they realized they were in the infirmary, back on the sunny. They were safe, but was Luffy? They hurry to get out of the bed until the door opened, revealing the doctor of the crew, Chopper. He smiles once he sees they're awake. "Y/n, you're awake!" He walks over. "Thank goodness, we were all worried sick when we saw Zoro pulling you and Luffy out of the ocean." Y/n would have to thank Zoro for that later, but right now they needed to know where Luffy was. "Is Luffy ok too?" They ask, worry coating their tone. "Yeah,
he woke up a few hours ago. He's been the most worried out of all of us." Chopper shakes his head. "He wouldn't stop barging in and asking me question after question." Y/n couldn't help but feel guilty, if they hadn't been so careless, Luffy wouldn't have had to jump in after them. "Can I see him?"

"Of course." Chopper hurries out to find him. Within seconds, Luffy was already in the infirmary. He stood in the entrance, speechless and unmoving. Y/n, was the same. "Hey..." They finally spoke after a few more seconds of silence. In the blink of an eye, Luffy was at their side, his arms wrapped around them tightly. "Damn it Y/n, what were you thinking!?" His voice cracked. Y/n didn't respond, they only hugged him back. "Don't ever scare me like that again." He hold on them loosens, and Y/n felt something wet drop on their shoulder. They look up to see tears welling up in their captain's eyes. Now they've done it. "I'm sorry...but, Luffy why did you jump in after me? You could have died, what would the crew have done without you? You would have never became king of the pirates if you died. And all because of me." Now it was Y/n's turn to cry. "I'm sorry..." They whimper.

"I jumped in, because I couldn't become pirate king without you." Luffy starts. "And, because I care about you. You're my nakama, if you died, it wouldn't have been the same." His hand found his way to their's. "I wanted to tell you this before that happened, and I should have. You might not have made it back for me to tell you now. But...I love you Y/n." Y/n looked up at him shocked. Did they hear him right? He loved them? A smile found it's way onto their face, their hand held his. "I love you too, Luffy." Luffy's usual grin plastered his face, he held them tightly. "Good, then don't do something that crazy again! Got that?" He says, using his captain's voice. "Yes, I promise." Y/n kisses his cheek. "Thank you for saving me."

Luffy pouts slightly, as if he expecting something more. "What?" Y/n asks softly. "I want a real kiss!" He says childishly. Y/n giggles and leans up and pecks him on his lips softly. "Better?" They ask. "Much better!" Luffy chuckles.

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