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Warnings: Blood, character death
Reader Gender: Female

He couldn't move, he couldn't do anything to save the ones he cared about. All he could do is watch, as the one he cared deeply about hang from the hold of some shadowy figure. He couldn't make out just who was harming her, all he knew is that they wouldn't let her go. Their grip on her neck only got tighter and tighter and tighter. She cried out weakly for him to save her, and yet he didn't move, he couldn't. He couldn't even as much as cry back for her, his mouth opened, but nothing escaped. He begged, screamed, for whoever was hurting her to stop.

She looked at him, silently pleaded for him to save her. The light in her eyes started to fade into nothingness. And finally, all of her struggling came to a stop. The figure dropped her lifeless body to the ground, then slowly made it's way towards him. Though, he didn't pay any attention what the figure was doing anymore. All he could do was stare at his loved one's corpse. Her dead eyes still looked into his own, the same pleading look stained into her pupils. He let her die. He could have saved her, and he didn't. He couldn't protect her...he couldn't protect anyone...

The figure finally reached him, and just as it reached out to grab him....

Luffy shot up in his hammock with a sharp gasp. He felt his heart pounding out of his chest, and his body shook violently. "Another nightmare..." He thought silently. It would be impossible for him to try and fall back asleep, so he quietly crawled out of his hammock, and left the boy's room. Luffy made his way out onto the grassy deck of the Thousand Sunny. The cool night air calmed him slightly, though his mind wouldn't ease. The last time he had a nightmare like that, was when he dreamt his older brother, Ace, was dying in his arms again. That day had always plagued him. He never wanted anyone he loved to die ever again, not if there was something he could have done about it. "And I could have saved Y/n too if I were stronger..." He muttered, thinking about his nightmare again. As if on cue, Y/n's voice filled his ears. "Luffy? What are you doing out here so late?"

Luffy turned to see one his crew mates, she looked just as tried as he was. To not worry her, Luffy gave her a friendly grin. "I was hungry. So I was gonna sneak some food." Y/n raises an eyebrow. "But Sanji put a new lock on the fridge. You know that." She tells him. "How were you going to get in?" She asks. Luffy chuckles and rubs the back of his head. "I'd find a way!" Y/n walks over to him, to get a better look at his face. "Luffy you look exhausted. You should go back to bed." Luffy backs away slightly. "Nah, I'm fine Y/n. Really."

"You don't sound fine. Come on, I'll walk with you." She gently held his hand, Luffy pulled his hand back, shocking Y/n. "Luffy?" She noticed the shake in voice when he spoke. "I said in fine. What are you even doing up? Go back to bed." Y/n furrows her eyebrows and crosses her arms. "You're clearly not ok! Did something happen? If it did, you need to tell me!" She lowers her voice, remembering how late it was. "I upsets me when you're upset. So please, just tell me." She says softly. Luffy sighs heavily before hiding his face in his hand. "I had a nightmare." He murmurs. Y/n walks closer to him before removing his hand, holding it with her own. "What about?" She asks. "...You." Luffy said, avoiding her eyes. "You died. And I couldn't save you." He finally admits.

Y/n wraps her arms around Luffy, and hugs him tight. Luffy tensed up, he wanted to hug back, but he just...couldn't. "Luffy." Y/n speaks softly. "I'm not going anywhere. You know that right? I told you, I'm going to stick with you and the crew forever. Nothing, and I mean nothing, is going to change that." She heard Luffy sniffling. "I promise you Luffy. I won't leave you. And I know that if I were in a situation like that, you would most defiantly save me. You're strong, stronger than anyone I've ever known. Please don't ever forget that." She felt Luffy's arms wrap around her tightly, nearly squeezing the air from her lungs. "I promise too." Luffy sniffles. "I promise to protect you Y/n. I won't let anyone hurt you, not ever!"

Y/n smiles, knowing that her captain spoke only the truth. She pulled back to look at him. "You wanna cuddle? Maybe that will make you feel better." Luffy nods as he hid his face in her neck. Y/n held his hand and lead him to the boy's room. They both snuck into his hammock and fell asleep in each other's arms.

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