Pull Through

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Warnings: violence, blood, fluffy ending
Reader Gender: Female

The Sunny was under attack by the marines. They had attacked the crew out of nowhere, so everyone was under prepared. But knowing the Strawhats, they always manage to push through. The last few marines were taken down by Y/n and her captain, Luffy. "Is everyone alright?" Y/n looks around. The rest crew was still standing. "Course we are!" Luffy smirks. "We're strong!" Y/n smiles softly. That was true, they were a strong crew. Unknowing to the crew, one marine was still standing, and they had their gun loaded and aimed for the closet target. The marines pulled the trigger, the sound of the gun going off, and a pained cry, caught the crew's attention. They all turned to see Y/n clutching their abdomen. "Y/n!!" Luffy cried out. He growls and sets his attention on the marine. He related back his arm, and launched his fist straight towards the marine, affectingly knocking him out.

Chopper immediately ran over to Y/n, and started checking her wound. "This isn't good! She's loosing blood, and fast!" His voice started to fade out, along with Y/n's vision. And before she knew it, she was plunged into darkness....

Y/n was currently being held in the infirmary. Chopper had informed them that she had lost a lot of blood, and her chances of recovery was slim. But no one worried more for her than their captain, Luffy. For the past two days he would check on her, even when he was told not to by Chopper. He didn't want to think about the worst, he didn't want to think about how he could loose her. He couldn't loose anyone else.

Luffy found himself by Y/n's bedside for the third time today, much to Chopper's annoyance. Luffy hasn't eaten or slept since Y/n was rescued and taken to the infirmary. Chopper understood that Luffy was worried, but it wouldn't help anyone if he just moped around all day, especially himself. "Luffy." Chopper spoke up, Luffy only hummed, not bothering to look away from Y/n's sleeping form. "I'm going to be honest with you...Y/n, might not be able to make it through the night." Hearing that made Luffy's heart sink. He turned to the small reindeer, sorrow filled his eyes as he continued. "She's just lost too much blood, there's a chance she'll-"

"Don't you finish that sentence!!!" Luffy yelled, making Chopper flinch and cower slightly. His captain rarely ever yelled like that, not unless he was angry. And right now, he was livid. "She's gonna be fine!" Luffy turned back to Y/n. Her breathing was shallow and her skin had gone pale. Her condition wasn't making Luffy to sure of his words, but he couldn't give up hope. He would not accept that Y/n would die. Chopper lower his head, it pained him to see his captain like this and one of his dear friends slowly dying. He turns away from the two as tears started to form in his eyes. "You can stay with her tonight." He says before walking out of the infirmary before closing the door.

Luffy held onto Y/n's hand, not even the hunger that growled from within him or the tiredness that yelled at him for rest, would keep him away from Y/n in this moment. Luffy sighs shakily before he spoke. "Y/n...you have to stay strong. You have to live. We're all waiting for you to come back, we all need you...I need you..." His voice started to crack as he felt tears pooling in his eyes. Luffy couldn't explain it, but ever since Y/n had joined the crew, he had began to feel something that he never felt before. The way she fought, the way she spoke, just everything about her made Luffy's heart race. He never knew why or what it was, but he was sure it was a good thing, if she was the one making him feel like this. He's been meaning to ask her if she knew what it meant, if only he had told her sooner....

"Y/n....please come back...."

Luffy awoke to something petting his hair. He yawns before looking up, what he saw made his heart leap out of his chest. "Y/n!!!" He sits up straight. Y/n smiles as she retracts her hand to wave at him. "Hey Luffy." She sounded exhausted. Luffy hiccups and sniffles as he cried. Y/n was alive, she was still with him. He wanted to pull her into a hug so badly, but he noticed how bandaged up she was. "Y/n..." He whimpers. Y/n was crying as well. She moved her hand back down to his own and squeezed it tightly. "I'm sorry I made you worry. I should have been more cautious." Luffy shakes his head. "I don't care about that, I'm just glad you're ok! I don't know what I would have done if you died!" Y/n carefully moved herself to hug Luffy. He returned the hug, but was mindful of her wound. "Don't ever scare me like that again..." He mutters into her neck. Y/n nods as she strokes his hair. "I love you too much to loose you." He continued, taking Y/n by surprised. "I still need you to be apart of my crew, I can't become pirate king without all of you!" Luffy pulls back and looks her in the eyes. He was starting to put it together. He didn't just need her to help him become pirate king...he needed her to...

"I need you to be there, so you can be my queen."

Y/n felt heat rush to her cheeks, her heart was beating in her ears. "Luffy...do you mean that?" She asks. Luffy nods rapidly. "Yes! I love you!" He finally realizes. "I love you Y/n!" He says more confidently. Y/n smiles brightly before leaning in to kiss him. Luffy was a bit confused but tried his best to return the kiss, which was a bit messy. After a few seconds they pull away. "So, what's your answer?" Luffy asks, not getting what that gesture really meant. Y/n giggles, kissing him on the cheek softly. "Yes. Of course I will." Luffy grins brightly. "Good! Now let's tell everyone you're awake!"

"I would Luffy, but I'm sure Chopper would be mad if I moved." She rubs the back of her head. "Ohhh. Ok! I'll tell them!" Luffy hurries to the door and opened it before yelling as loud as he could. "EVERYONE! Y/N'S AWAKE!!!" Y/n flinches at the loudness of his voice. Within a few seconds the entire crew rushed into the infirmary, crowding the girl. "Y/N!!!" They all yell. Each of them were asking how she was, scolding her for making them all worry for her, and just being grateful she was alive and well. "And she agreed to be my queen when I become pirate king! Luffy says proudly.

"About time." The crew say at once.

It was painfully obvious the two had feelings for each other. So it wasn't much of a surprise to anyone that this would happen at some point. Luffy was confused by their reaction while Y/n was blushing wildly. But she couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of happiness. If she hadn't pulled through like she did, she would have never been able to see her friends again, or experience the journey or accomplish their goals with them. And she would have never been able to join her captain's side, once he became king of the pirates.

And it was only a matter of time...

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