Drunk (Part 2)

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Warnings: None
Reader Gender: Neutral

Luffy awoke with a groan, and his head was pounding. He blinked his tired eyes a few times before his vision adjusted. It was then when the drowsiness left his head, he felt something on his back. He crooned his neck to see two arms wrapped around him. Confused, he looked down to see one of his own crew mates, sleeping peacefully beneath him. No wonder he felt like he was sleeping on something soft. Luffy contemplated waking them up or not. After a few more seconds of staring he decided to just let them sleep. He carefully slipped out of his bed and out of the room. "Why was Y/n in my bed?" Luffy mutters before walking out on deck. His crew was no where to be found, possibly still back in the city all passed out drunk and hungover. He ignored the strange feeling dwelling in his chest before heading off to gather the rest of his crew.

A bit later you woke up, you yawned and stretched before your mind caught up with the situation. You only then realized, where you were. Your face turned red as you memorized the events of last night. The huge party, the drinking, Luffy calling you beautiful and telling you he loved you...You sigh and covered your face. "...What the heck?" You mutter. You move your hands down enough for you to see, there was no one else in the room but you. You hopped out of bed and left the room, outside was the rest of the crew. Probably because of the pounding headaches they all had, even Zoro was hungover. You made your way out onto the deck, you noticed that Luffy was nowhere to be found. He wasn't even in his special spot on the Sunny's head.

Probably for the better. If he remembered even the slightest bit of what he said last night, you don't think you could ever live it down. Though, you were still concerned for your captain's whereabouts. "Hey Nami?" You say, as softly as possible. "Hmph?" Nami groans a response. "Do you know where Luffy is?" Nami looks up at you, dark circles under her brown eyes. "Isn't he on the Sunny's head?" She scowled. You shook your head no. Nami messages her head and groans once again. "Then I have no idea." Deciding not to push her for more questions, you walk away. If he wasn't on the ship, then maybe he was on the island somewhere.

Not even a few steps away from the Sunny, you saw Luffy. He was laying on the beach, straw hat rests on his face. Thoughts ran wild in your head, what were you going to say to him? 'Hey did you really mean what you said last night when you were drunk out of your mind?' Yeah right. With a deep breath you walk over to him. Noticing his breathing, he could tell he was asleep. You silently crouch next to him, gazing ahead at the bright blue sea. The gentle sound of the waves brought some sort of comfort to you. Then your eyes feel to Luffy. Well, if he was really asleep you might as well get everything off your chest. When Luffy slept, it was like he was near dead, nothing could wake him up. Unless it was the smell of freshly cooked meat.

"I really hope you meant what you said." You muttered. "I know you were drunk and you probably didn't mean any of it, but I did. When I said that I loved you, I meant it." Your heart clenched tightly in your chest. "I've wanted to tell you this for such a long time, and I've always hoped you felt the same. But you never showed interest in me, or any girl really. I wanted to respect it too, but it just hurt so much every time I thought about it." Tears starts to pool in your eyes. "It hurt because I love you so much Luffy...."

When you finished, you realized you had been crying. It was a pitiful scene, you were pouring out your heart to a sleeping person, who probably could care less. You sighed, just as you started to leave, something pulled you down. "Ah!" You collided face first into Luffy's chest, his hand gripped onto your forearm. "I didn't get to say anything yet." You gasp at his voice. Slowly, you raise your head to meet Luffy's eyes. You were too shocked to speak, he heard all of that!? What made it worse, was Luffy's expression was unreadable. Your mouth opened to speak, but no words would come out. Luffy's silence only made the situation worse, why did you have to say all that? Luffy said he loved you sure, but he was drunk! You have no excuse! And now, because of your silly feelings, you ruined your friendship with you captain. So, you hung your head, avoiding his eyes. You just hoped, that his rejection wouldn't be too harsh...

"So I wasn't dreaming after all." Luffy finally says, his grip on your arm got tighter. "And that's why you were sleeping with me. Because I got drunk right? I said some pretty weird things to you. But I didn't know I said something like that." You thought your chest couldn't get any tighter. You couldn't take this... "Luffy, please just let me go." You whine. "I know you didn't mean it, so please...just stop it..." If you were looking, you could see the anger on his face. "Don't put words into my mouth!" He scolds. "Who says I didn't mean it!?" Your eyes shot wide open. What did he just say? "Luffy?" You glance up at him, what you saw next took you completely by surprise.

Luffy, was blushing.

He never blushed! Only when he was thinking of meat or if he was thinking too hard. But never when it came to stuff like this. He looked rather cute too, blushing like that. So cute, that it you, yourself were blushing now. "Y-you did mean it?" You murmur. Luffy nods before pulling you upwards towards him, like last night, you were only inches apart. Now that you were this close in broad daylight, it was only that much clearer, how handsome Luffy was. "I made you cry." He wipes away your tears with his thumb. You shook your head, smiling shyly. "No, I made myself cry." Luffy held you in his arms, staring at you wordlessly. "I know you suck at lying, but you're not, are you?" This time, you made sure you could look him in the eyes. "I'm not." Luffy brought you closer. "I meant every word last night, even if I wasn't aware of it at the time."

You couldn't help yourself, you wrapped your arms around his neck and leaned in closer, and closer, until your lips met his. Unsure of what to do, Luffy just let you continue. He sighs softly and let's his eyes flutter shut, enjoying the kiss. After a few more minutes you pulled away, the brightest of smiles on your face. "I love you Luffy." Luffy grins. "I love you too, Y/n. And I really mean it!"

Maybe Luffy being drunk last night wasn't so bad after all...

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