Good Morning

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Warnings: None
Reader: Female
((Modern AU))

His snoring woke you up, as it always did. You didn't mind it too much, it kept you on a good sleep schedule. Your eyes slowly opened, and you were met with the love of your life. You couldn't help but smile warmly at his sleeping self. His jet black hair was a mess, just like every morning. You brought your thumb up to his left cheek and brushed his scar softly. His nose twitched slightly at your touch, making you chuckle. As much as you wished you could stay like this all morning, you couldn't. You had mouths to feed after all, his being the most monstrous. With a yawn you untangled yourself from his hold crawled out of bed.

You made your way to the kitchen and began cooking. The fridge and cabinets were always full, because he would make them empty quick if you weren't around to remind him to go shopping. While you were distracted with preparing breakfast, you didn't notice him behind you until you felt his arms wrap around you. "Oh!" You jump and turn your head towards him. "Well, good morning to you too Luffy." You laugh turning your attention back to breakfast. "I smelled something yummy." He murmurs, he was still sleepy but of course food was the one thing that would wake him up so early. "I sure hope it's yummy. I worked hard on it." Luffy looks over your shoulder. "I haven't seen this before. What is it?" He asks. "I'm trying something new. I hope you like it."

"I'm sure I will, you always make delicious food!" Luffy smiles brightly. "You should work with Sanji at his restaurant." He adds. "Oh I'm nowhere that skilled. But that would be pretty fun. Now go and sit down, it's almost ready." Luffy unwraps his arms from you and went to sit down. You finish up the food and set it down at the table. "Ok, dig in." You take a seat as well. Luffy started eating, his face lit up after the first bite. "This is amazing!" He exclaims. "It is? I'm so glad you like it!" You started to eat as well, impressed by your own work you kept eating bite after bite.

A yawn caused you broth to turn your attention away from the meal. "Oh Ace, good morning." Luffy waves. Just in the kitchen's entrance was a young boy of the age of 10, he was wiping his tired eyes. Despite being your and Luffy's son, he did resemble his late Uncle. All he was missing was his freckles. "Good morning papa." He says tiredly. "Hi sweetie." You greet standing up from the table. "I didn't want to wake you up so early since it's the weekend." You walked over and picked your son up, he rests his head on your chest. "Something smells good." He mutters. "I just made breakfast, you hungry?" Ace nods his head. You giggle and set him down next to you before making him a plate.

He chowed down on the food, enjoying every bite. "Wow, this is really good mama!"

"So many compliments this morning. I'm glad my two favorite boys like my cooking." You ruffle your son's hair. "Since you two have been so kind, how about we watch your favorite movie after breakfast? Then we can head to the park." Luffy and Ace both cheered happily. Sometimes it felt like you had two children, it could get a little annoying but, you loved them both unconditionally. You couldn't have asked for a better family. Every morning, you were greeted by their adorable and loving selfs. Every morning you would get to hug and kiss them. Every morning you would see them smiling.

With them, every morning was a good morning.

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